BEC商务英语写作范文:道歉信 首先看一篇赔礼信~ 要求:You are the secretary of a computer hardware company. Write an email to Mr Gatt one of your customers, to apologise for the inconvenience createdbecause he ha...
2024-02-29 13 0
BEC商务英语写作范文:道歉信 首先看一篇赔礼信~ 要求:You are the secretary of a computer hardware company. Write an email to Mr Gatt one of your customers, to apologise for the inconvenience createdbecause he ha...
犯错了给女朋友道歉的检讨书篇一:犯错了给女伙伴赔礼的检讨书 心爱的女伙伴: 我错了,我又做错事了,鉴于我今日去车站接你一事,我真诚的向你赔礼,珍宝对不起。事我承认完全都是我的错,害你一个人拿着那么多的行李坐公交车,我这做男伙伴的是真的不称职,不过你能情愿谅解我这一次吗?请不要由于我这一次小小的失误就影响我们之间的感情好不好?我是真的爱你的,这次只不过是我意识...