公共交通工具有哪些英文单词 公共汽车的英文单词:bus 英 [bʌs] 美 [bʌs]能什么善什么的成语 1. The sculpture is made of 900 pounds of butter and is of three children and a cow waiting to board a school bus. 2. And h...
2023-11-11 16 0
公共交通工具有哪些英文单词 公共汽车的英文单词:bus 英 [bʌs] 美 [bʌs]能什么善什么的成语 1. The sculpture is made of 900 pounds of butter and is of three children and a cow waiting to board a school bus. 2. And h...
识字表1塘(水塘)(池塘)仙球大战 电影 脑(脑袋)(电脑)袋(口袋)(袋子) 灰(灰)(灰尘)捕(捕捉)(捕鱼) 迎(迎接)(欢迎)阿(阿姨)(阿爸) ...