作文石榴花的详细描写 英文回答: The pomegranate flower is a magnificent sight to behold. Its vibrant colors and delicate petals make it a true wonder of nature. The flower is usually a brig...
2024-12-28 3 0
作文石榴花的详细描写 英文回答: The pomegranate flower is a magnificent sight to behold. Its vibrant colors and delicate petals make it a true wonder of nature. The flower is usually a brig...
繁殖器官花 花为被子植物的生殖器官,基本上是由花萼(Calyx)、花冠(Corolla)、雄蕊(Stamen)、雌蕊(Pistil)所组成。 1.花的构造 花萼(Calyx) 为萼片(Sepals)之合称,可保护花芽通常为绿,形状像花瓣或叶片。 花冠(Corolla) 为花瓣之合称。 花被(Perianth) &n...