关于smile的名⾔1.微笑的名⾔Humor is the soul of a smile. The most profound sense of humor is a mortally wounded heart smile. -- Zhou Guoping幽默是⼼灵的微笑。最深刻的幽默是⼀颗受了致命伤的⼼灵发出的微笑。——周国平Laughter is the privilege of huma...
2024-04-16 10 0
关于smile的名⾔1.微笑的名⾔Humor is the soul of a smile. The most profound sense of humor is a mortally wounded heart smile. -- Zhou Guoping幽默是⼼灵的微笑。最深刻的幽默是⼀颗受了致命伤的⼼灵发出的微笑。——周国平Laughter is the privilege of huma...