浑河沈抚段水体污染季节性变化研究刘强;禹雪迪【摘 要】In order to determine water pollution characteristics of the Shenfu section of the Hunhe River and improve the effectiveness of water environmental treatment, a water enviro...
2023-12-15 19 0
浑河沈抚段水体污染季节性变化研究刘强;禹雪迪【摘 要】In order to determine water pollution characteristics of the Shenfu section of the Hunhe River and improve the effectiveness of water environmental treatment, a water enviro...
《环境规划与管理》课程设计辽宁省抚顺市“十二五"环境规划专业:班级:姓名: 学号:指导教师: 1、区域概况1.1地理位置 青海酿皮1。2自然资源 1。3行政区划与人口分布 1.4经济发展状况 1.5城市环境与基础设施建设 2、环境保护现状 2。...