美不胜收中胜的意思是什么美不胜收中胜的意思:胜:能够承担或沉受。美好的东西很多,一时看不过来。英文解释1.too beautiful to be absorbed all at once; be a feast for the eyes; more beauty than one can absorb; so many beautiful things that one simply can't...
2023-12-24 14 0
美不胜收中胜的意思是什么美不胜收中胜的意思:胜:能够承担或沉受。美好的东西很多,一时看不过来。英文解释1.too beautiful to be absorbed all at once; be a feast for the eyes; more beauty than one can absorb; so many beautiful things that one simply can't...
描写寺庙的词语有什么 描写“寺庙”的词语:香烟缭绕、香火旺盛、普度众生,佛教圣地,人间福地。 与寺庙有关的诗句: 1.言香积寺,数里进云峰.古木无人径,深山何处钟.王维《过香积寺》 2.人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开.白居易《大林寺桃花》 3.曲径通幽处,禅房花木深.常...