对于长假期的看法英语作文A week's holiday,good or bad,what do you think?Our national day will be off for a few days,and there will be another week's holiday.Just like the May Day holiday,many people welcome a week...
2024-02-23 9 0
对于长假期的看法英语作文A week's holiday,good or bad,what do you think?Our national day will be off for a few days,and there will be another week's holiday.Just like the May Day holiday,many people welcome a week...
明晰的近义词和反义词〔通用3篇〕篇1:明晰的近义词和反义词 明显:1.清楚地显露出来,容易让人看出或感觉到。明显清楚:①清楚:黑白~ㄧ爱憎~。 ②明明;显然:他~朝清楚清楚:①易理解和识别:道理已讲得很清楚了|稿面清楚|我清楚理解:①知道得清楚:只有眼睛向下,才能真正~众的愿望理解显露:1.谓明白直截。 2.显出;表露。显露明白:1.清楚;明确。 2.确实。 3.明净;白净明白清澈:...