22 九 鹿英文版
22 九 鹿 在一片景秀丽的山林中,有一只鹿。它双角洁白如雪,身上有九种鲜艳的毛,漂亮极了,人们都称它九鹿。 Long long ago,in a beautiful mountain,there was deer with nine-color fur,double antlers were as white as snow,it was so lovely and gla...
2024-01-13 13 0
22 九 鹿 在一片景秀丽的山林中,有一只鹿。它双角洁白如雪,身上有九种鲜艳的毛,漂亮极了,人们都称它九鹿。 Long long ago,in a beautiful mountain,there was deer with nine-color fur,double antlers were as white as snow,it was so lovely and gla...