乘客乘梯须知英文翻译(含五篇)第一篇:乘客乘梯须知英文翻译乘客乘梯须知 Escalator Instructions 1.乘梯时,请您面向扶梯运行方向右侧顺序站立,左侧通行,并扶好扶手带。Please face to the direction of motion and stand on the right in order, pass on the left, hold the handrai...
2023-11-11 16 0
乘客乘梯须知英文翻译(含五篇)第一篇:乘客乘梯须知英文翻译乘客乘梯须知 Escalator Instructions 1.乘梯时,请您面向扶梯运行方向右侧顺序站立,左侧通行,并扶好扶手带。Please face to the direction of motion and stand on the right in order, pass on the left, hold the handrai...