春节的英语介绍【篇一:英文介绍春节】 the term pass year is used for the spring festival (chinese new year). the word year in chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast. to combat the beast, the chinese hang good&...
2024-04-20 9 0
春节的英语介绍【篇一:英文介绍春节】 the term pass year is used for the spring festival (chinese new year). the word year in chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast. to combat the beast, the chinese hang good&...
过年作文300字高中春节作文300字【三篇】【篇一】高中中学春节精选作文300字辛弃疾的作品 盼望着,盼望着,新年终于到来了。 今天是大年三十,人们都把大门洗刷干净,贴上红彤彤的对联,挂上红艳艳的灯笼。爸爸搬来梯子,架在门口,我在下面递对联,撕胶布,不一会就把对联贴好了。之后,我们又挂好了灯笼。站在门口看,红彤彤一片,充满了过年的气氛。 七点钟,饭菜已端上了桌,...