January(一月)  February(二月)  March(三月)  April(四月)  May(五月)  June(六月)  July(七月)  August(八月)  September(九月)October(十月)  November(十一月)  December(十二月)
四季:spring, summer, autumn, winter
Monday(星期一)  Tuesday(星期二)  Wednesday(星期三)
Tursday(星期四)  Friday(星期五)  Saturday(星期六)  Sunday(星期日)

green(绿)  red(红)  bule(蓝)  yellow(黄)  black(黑)
white(白)  purple(紫)  pink(粉红)  grey(灰)darkblue(深蓝)
Chinese(语文)  math (数学)English(英语)physics(物理)  biology(生物)  geography(地理)  chemistry(化学)history(历史)  politics(政治)  music(音乐)  painting(美术) computer(电脑)(PE)(体育)science(科学)
apple(苹果)  pear(梨)  banana(香蕉)  grape(葡萄)  peach(桃子)
orang(橙子)    watermelon(西瓜) mango(芒果)
红经典手抄报basketball(篮球)  baseball(棒球)  volleyball(排球)
balloon(气球)  tennis(网球)table tennis(乒乓球) football (足球)
go swimming, go skating, go skiing, go for a walk

tiger(虎)bird(鸟)  fish(鱼) bear(熊)dog(狗)    cat(猫)    pig(猪)  cow(牛) sheep(绵羊)goat(山羊) monkey(猴子) Mickey Mouse(米老鼠)
grandfather/grandpa(爷爷)  grandmother/grandma(奶奶)father/dad/ (爸爸)  mother/mum/(妈妈)husband(丈夫)wife(妻子)son(儿子)daughter(女儿)grandson(孙子) granddaughter(孙女)sister(妹) brother(兄弟)niece(侄女)
head(头)  hand(手)  elbow(肘)  arm(臂)  chest(胸) stomach(腹)  waist(腰)  leg(腿)    knee(膝)  foot(脚) mouth(嘴) 
10《节日类》:on+天, in+很多天
on Christmas Eve(平安夜)  Spring Festival(春节)  Children Day(国际儿童节)
Army Day(建军节)  Teachers’ Day(教师节)  New Year Day(元旦)
11.《地点类》at+小地点, in+大地点
park, school ,hospital ,post office, library ,street ,road ,shop ,bank, hotel, restaurant ,river, airport, school gate, office, station,
12. 人名:
Tony, Mike, Tom好的多音字, Green, John, Jim, Jason, Tom, Nancy, Alice, Linda, Mary, Kate….
13. 国家,地名:
China, Japan, Canada, England, France, Germany,, London, America,
14.国籍: 某国的,某国人
Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Canadian, British , English, American, Korean, French, German, Indian….
15.常用形容词:it is +形容词+to do
warm, cold, interesting, beautiful, slow, quick, famous, rich, nice, safe, new, old, cheap, expensive, dirty, clean, careful, boring(令人觉得无聊的), bored, bright, sleepy, difficult, important, necessary
it is +形容词+of sb; 做了某事的这个人怎么样(某人特质):
It is nice of you to help me.
it is +形容词+for sb:做某事对某人来讲怎么样(非特质):
It is difficult for him to learn Chinese
doctor, teacher, student,police,driver,waiter,actor,nurse, worker,farmer
blackboard, schoolbag, textbook, pen, pencil, homework, classroom
class 班级;                    grade 年级;                    teacher 老师;
playground 操场;            library 图书馆;                classmate 同学;
favorite subject 最喜爱的科目;activity 活动;                office 办公室;
break 课间休息;                school trip 学校旅行;                       
do one's homework 做作业;    study for a test 准备考试;
learn English 学习英语;        have math class 上数学课;直线行驶技巧
the school rules 学校规章制度;    be late for class/school 上课/上学迟到;
go to school 去上学;            school clubs学校俱乐部
1:10one ten/ten past one
1:30one thirty/half past one
1:50one fifty/ten to two
如:上课时间、放学时间、上某一学科的时间,起床时间、午饭时间、晚上休息的时间,出生日期、旅游时间;拜访家人时间,假期时间,节假日以及四季的时间,儿童节、五一节、教师节、中秋节、圣诞节、春节、春、夏、秋、冬,询问今天是几月几号等;询问今天是星期几等。解答这类题时,首先应善于抓住句中的关键词,如,特殊疑问词:when,what time;或者关键句:What day is today?What's the today?
morning,   afternoon, evening, night, noon, today, tomorrow, yesterday, last year, last week, weekend,  month,  term

When 什么时候;
what time 几点;
how long 多长时间;
in the morning 在早晨;
in the afternoon 在下午;in the evening 在晚上;at night 在夜间;
at five o'clock 在五点钟;
date 日期;minute 分钟;hour 小时;year 年;since 自从;
weekend 周末;season 季节;in the morning 在早晨;on Children's Day 在儿童节;
in March 在三月;today 今天;yesterday 昨天;last Sunday 上周日;next Monday 下周一;tonight今晚