感恩节的由来英语简介_Introduction to the origin of Thanksgiving 4篇
导读:关于”感恩节的由来简介“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to the origin of Thanksgiving。以下是关于感恩节的由来简介的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。关于”感恩节的由来简介“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to the origin of Thanksgiving。以下是关于感恩节的由来简介的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Introduction to the origin of ThanksgivingThanksgiving Day is a festival celebrated by Americans. More and more people join this festival. It reminds people of their gratitude.When Thanksgiving comes back to the century, some people are driven out of England. They are sent to the barren land by a ship called "Mayflower". The local people teach them how to survive.Then the first Americans are formed to express their gratitude to the Indians Love, Americans call this day a celebration day. It can also teach children to be grateful for what they have and happy moments.中文翻译:感恩节是人庆祝的节日,越来越多的人加入这个节日,这一天提醒人们感恩的心感恩节的到来回到了世纪,大约有人被赶出英国,他们被一艘名为“xx月花”的船送到荒芜的土地上,当地人教他们如何生存,然后第一个人组成,以表达对印第安人的感激之情,人把这一天命名为一个庆祝日,
丝瓜排骨汤它还可以教会孩子们对自己拥有的东西和幸福时刻心存感激。万能作文模板2:感恩节起源简介Thanksgiving began with the first European colonists who came to the United States to harvest crops, celebrate and thank for food. Tradition says pilgrims from Britain celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621. There is evidence that settlers from other parts of the United States held earlier Thanksgiving celebrations, but the Pilgrims' Thanksgiving stories are the most popular.The pilgrims were religious dissidents who fled, oppressed by Britain, who first went to Holland and then left that country to establish a colony in North America. The pilgrims landed in 1620 at massachucet, later known as Plymouth. Their journey across the Atlantic was very difficult.Their first months in the United States were very difficult. In the next few months, about 100 pilgrims landed when autumn turned into winter, and about half of them died.中文翻译:感恩节开始于第一批来到的欧洲殖民者,他们收割庄稼,庆祝并感谢食物传统说,来自英国的朝圣者在xx年庆祝了第一个感恩节有证据表明其他地区的定居者举行了较早的感恩节庆祝活动,但朝圣者的感恩节故事最受欢迎。朝圣者是逃离的异见者英国的压迫他们先去了荷兰,然后离开那个在北美建立殖民地。清于xx年在后来被称为普利茅斯的马萨丘塞特登陆,他们横渡大西洋
提升面部的旅程很艰难,他们在的头几个月很艰难,在接下来的几个月里,大约一百名朝圣者在秋天转为冬天的时候登陆,其中大约一半人死亡。满分英语范文3:感恩节的由来简介Be grateful for difficult times, because in those days, when you don't know something, you should be grateful, because it gives you the opportunity to learn to appreciate that you haven't got everything you want. If you do, what else can be expected to thank you for your limitations, because they give you opportunities to progress, thank you for every new challenge, because it will build Build on your strength and character, thank you for your past relationships, have someone more suitable for you waiting outside to be grateful for your mistakes, because they will teach you valuable lessons, and be grateful when you're tired, because it means that you've changed gratitude, turn negative into positive, find a way to appreciate your troubles, and they can also be yours Blessing. It's easy to be grateful for good things, and those who are grateful for setbacks have a full life.中文翻译:对困难时期心存感激,因为在那些日子里,当你不知道什么的时候,你应该心存感激,因为这给了你机会去学会感激你还没有拥有你想要的一切如果你拥有了,还有什么值得期待的去感谢你的局限性,因为他们给了你进步的机会,感谢每一次新的挑战,