【 导语】感恩节是美国特有的节日。在感恩节这一买里,阖家团圆、共享买伦是主要的特征,吃火鸡则成为一种传统的仪式。为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。
心之痕Thanksgiving is an ancient festival created by the American people, and it is also a festival for Americans to get together. Therefore, Americans always feel cordial when they mention Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the most authentic and American holiday in the United States. It is most closely related to early American history. An early immigrant who originated in Plymouth, Massachusetts. These immigrants were called Puritans when they were in Britain. Because they were dissatisfied with the incomplete religious reform of the British church, as well as the political repression and religious persecution against them by the British king and the British church, these Puritans left the British church and went to the Netherlands. Later, they decided to move to the deserted land on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, I hope I can believe in religion and live freely according to my will.   In September 1962, the "Mayflower" ship carrying 102 pilgrims and their families left Britain for
the North American continent. After more than two months of hard sailing, it landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts and settled down. In the first winter, due to insufficient food, cold weather, rampant infectious diseases and overwork, more than half of the pilgrims died at once. The next spring, masasod, the chief of the local Indian tribe, led the kind-hearted Indians to give the Puritans grain seeds and teach them to hunt, grow crops and fish. With the help of the Indians, the pilgrims had a good harvest that year. William Bradford, the first governor, proposed to set up a festival to celebrate the harvest and thank God for his gift. At the same time, we also want to take this festival to strengthen the harmonious relationship between whites and Indians. On Thursday in late November 1621, Puritans and 90 Indians brought by massasaud gathered together to celebrate the first Thanksgiving in American history. Male Puritans went out hunting and catching turkeys, while women made delicious dishes at home with corn, pumpkin, sweet potato and fruit. In this way, white people and Indians gathered around the campfire, chatting while eating, singing and dancing. The whole celebration lasted three days.   At the beginning, Thanksgiving has no fixed date, which is temporarily decided by the States. U
道别的近义词ntil 1863 after the independence of the United States, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday.
Thanksgiving goes back to the beginning of American history. In 1620, the famous "Mayflower" arrived in America with 102 Puritans who could not bear the religious persecution in Britain. In the winter at the turn of 1620 and 1621, they encountered unimaginable difficulties and were in hunger and cold. When the winter passed, only about 50 immigrants survived. At this time, the kind-hearted Indians brought necessities to the immigrants and specially sent people to teach them how to hunt, fish and grow corn and pumpkin. With the help of the Indians, the immigrants finally got a good harvest. On the day of celebrating the harvest, according to religious traditions and customs, the immigrants set a day to thank God, and decided to invite them to celebrate the festival together in order to thank the Indians for their sincere help.   On the first Thanksgiving Day, Indians and immigrants gathered together. They fired a salute at dawn, lined up into
写给老师的祝福语a room used as a church, expressed their gratitude to God, and then lit a bonfire for a grand banquet. On the second and third days, wrestling, running, singing, dancing and other activities were held. The first Thanksgiving was very successful. Many of these celebrations have been handed down for more than 300 years and remain today.
At the beginning, Thanksgiving had no fixed date, which was temporarily decided by the States. Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday until the independence of the United States. In 1863, US President Lincoln officially declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. At that time, family reunion and national celebration will be as grand and warm as the Chinese people's Spring Festival.