刚愎自用的意思    Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you all!
    2021 年的脚步越来越近,我在北京向大家致以新年的美好祝福!
    The year 2021 is arriving. From China“s capital Beijing, I extend my New Year wishes to you all!
    2020 年是极不平凡的一年。面对突如其来的新.冠.肺.炎疫.情,我们以人民至上、生命至上诠释了人间大爱,用众志成城、坚忍不拔书写了抗疫史诗。
    2020 was an extraordinary year. Facing the sudden coronavirus pandemic, we put people and their lives first to interpret the great love among humans. With solidarity and resilience, we wrote the epic of our fight against the pandemic.
    During the days when we addressed the hardships together, we saw the heroic spirit of marching straight to the frontlines, holding posts with tenacity, taking responsibility to get through thick and thin, sacrifices with bravery, and touching moments of helping each other.
    从白衣天使到人民子弟兵,从科研人员到社.区工作者,从志愿者到工程建设者,从古稀老人到“90 后”、“00 后”青年一代,无数人 以生命赴 〇〇 、用挚爱护苍生,将涓滴之力汇聚成磅礴伟力,构筑起守护生命的铜墙铁壁。
    From medical workers to the people"s army, from scientific researchers to munity workers, from volunteers to those who built the projects, from seniors to youths born after the 1990s and 2000s, numerous people fulfilled their missions at the cost of their lives and protected humanity with sincere love. They pooled their drops of strength into tremendous power and built an iron wall to safeguard lives.
    Many figures marched ahead without hesitation, many relays were plished hand in hand, many scenes showed touching moments, all these vividly illustrate the great spirit of fighting against the pandemic.
    Greatness is forged in the ordinary. Heroes e from the people. Every person is remarkable!
    Our sympathy goes to all the unfortunate ones infected with the coronavirus! We salute all the ordinary heroes!按摩英文怎么说
    I am proud of our great motherland and people, as well as the unyielding national spirit.
    Only in hard times can courage and perseverance be manifested. Only after polishing can a piece of jade be finer. We overcame the impact of the pandemic, and made great achievements in coordinating prevention and control and in economic and social development.
星空下的童话    “十三五”圆满收官,“十四五”全面擘画。新发展格局加快构建,高质量发展深入实施。
    The 13th Five-Year Plan has been plished in full. The 14th Five-Year Plan is being prehensively formulated. We are accelerating the pace to set up a new pattern for development, and are deeply implementing high-quality development.
    我国在世界主要经济体中率先实现正增长,预计 2020年国内生产总值迈上百万亿元新台阶。粮食生产喜获“十七连丰”。“天问一号”、“嫦娥五号”、“奋斗者”号等科学探测实现重大突破。海南自由贸易港建设蓬勃展开。
    China is the first major economy worldwide to achieve positive growth, and its GDP in 2020 is expected to step up to a new level of 100 trillion yuan. China has seen a good harvest in grain production for 17 years in a row. China has seen breakthroughs in scientific explorations like the Tianwen-1 (Mars mission), Chang"e-5 (lunar probe), and Fendouzhe (deep-sea manned submersible). Construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port is proceeding with vigor.
    We also defeated severe flooding. With the military and civilians heedless of danger and difficulty, and standing in unity, we managed to minimize the damage of the floods.
    我到 13 个省区市考察时欣喜看到,大家认真细致落实防疫措施,争分夺秒复工复产,全力以赴创新创造,神州大地自信自强、充满韧劲,一派只争朝夕、生机勃勃的景象。
    I inspected 13 provincial-level regions and was glad to see people carefully implementing coronavirus prevention and control measures, racing against time to resume work and production, and sparing no efforts to advance innovation. Everywhere were vibrant scenes of confident, resilient people making the most of every minute.
    2020 年,全面建成小康社会取得伟大历史性成就,决战脱.贫攻坚取得决定性胜利。
    In 2020, China made the historic achievement of establishing a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieved decisive success in eradicating extreme poverty.
    我们向深度贫困堡垒发起总攻,啃下了最难啃的“硬骨头”。历经 8 年,现行标准下近 1 亿农村贫困人口全部脱.贫,832 个贫困县全部摘帽。
    We launched the final assault on the fortress of entrenched rural poverty, and cracked this "hardest nut". Through 8 years, under the current standard, China has eradicated ext
reme poverty for the nearly 100 million rural people affected, and all the 832 impoverished counties have shaken off poverty.