邀请函英语怎么说商务英语中,邀请函英语怎么说?你会写英文邀请函吗?不会不要紧,赶紧跟着小编一起学习写作商务英文邀请函吧!邀请函英语怎么说 Invitat in Invitat in LetterLetter f
I nvitatin 邀请函的常见英语用语uld yu lik e t g simm ing ith me next Sund ay? 下周日你愿意跟我一起去游泳吗?I shuld be very glad if yu uld e t my bi rthday par ty at my h use at 8: n S unday, Dec ember 1
2. 如果你在12月12号星期天晚上8点到我家参加我的生日晚会,我会非常高兴的。 e hpe yu can e, an d lk frard t seeingyu by then. 我们希望你能来,并且很期待到时候看到你。 Be sure t e. 请务必出席。 If yu c an t e, te ll me. 如果你不能来,请提前告诉我。英文邀请函示例:
DearRse, I m g ing t thecinema nex t Saturday evening t see “Paci fic Rim”,and I hav e t ticket s. uld yulike te? T he film st arts at 19:00. Maybe e can mee t at the g ateay f th e departme nt stre an d have din ner befrethe film s tarts. Ple ase give m e a call i f yu can e. Lking fr ard t seei ng yu by t hen. Lve,Jhn 英文邀请函书写小Tips:
1. 邀请人和被邀人必须用第一人称,而且双方的名字都要写全名。
2. 必须清楚表达英文邀请函的内容,包括邀请的原因、地点、时间等。
3. 如果希望被邀请人收到邀请函后回复,可在左下角或下面正中处写上R.S.V.P(意为“请回答”)。企业英语培训
/s tudydetail_504201X
邀请函英语怎么说商务英语中,邀请函英语怎么说?你会写英文邀请函吗?不会不要紧,赶紧跟着小编一起学习写作商务英文邀请函吧!邀请函英语怎么说 Invi tatin Invi tatin Lett er Letterf Invitati n 邀请函的常见英语用语 uld yulike t g s imming ith me next S unday? 下周日你愿意跟我一起去游泳吗? I shuld be very g lad if yuuld e t my birthdayparty at m y huse at8:n Sunday,December 1
2. 如果你在12月12号星期天晚上8点到我家参加我的生日晚会,我会非常高兴的。 e hpe yu can e, and lk fr ard t seei ng yu by t hen. 我们希望你能来,并且很期待到时候看到你。 Be s ure t e. 请务必出席。 If y u can t e, tell me.如果你不能来,请提前告诉我。英文邀请函示例:
De ar Rse, Im ging t t he cinemanext Satur day evenin g t see “P acific Rim” , and Ihave t tic kets. uldyu like te? The fil m starts a t 19:00. M aybe e can meet at t he gateayf the depa rtment str e and have dinner be fre the fi lm starts.Please gi ve me a ca ll if yu c an e. Lkin g frard tseeing yuby then.Lv e,Jhn 原文来自必克英语/stud ydetail_504201X
1. 正规的格式 (frmalcrrespnden ce),亦称请柬;
2. 非正式格式 (infrma l crrespnd ence), 即一般的邀请信。邀请信在形式上不如请柬那样正规,但也很考究,书写时应将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚. 范例1 :?邀请参加新厂开工典礼 Dear [Mr. Harrisn]: ur ne fa ctry ill b e mencingprductin n [April 10] and e sh uld like t invite [y u and yurife] t bepresent at a celebra tin t mark the ccasi n. As yu i ll appreci ate this i s an imprt ant milest ne fr this rganizati n, and isthe result f cntinue d demand f r ur prduc ts, bth at hme and v erseas. eare inviti ng all ths e individu als and tr ust that y u ill payus the pli ments f ac cepting. P lease cnfi rm that yu ill be ab le t atten d by advis ing us f y ur time —— e can arr ange fr yu t be met. All arran gements fr yur stay[vernightn April 10] ill, f c urse, be m ade by usat ur expe nse. Yursfaithfully, 亲爱的[哈里森先生]: 本公司新厂将于[4月10日]开始投产,希望能邀请[贤伉俪]来参加新厂开工典礼。如您所知,新厂的设立是本公司的一个里程碑,而这正是海内外对本公司产品不断需求的结果。我们邀请了所有对本公司的成功贡献一切力量的个人,我们相信,您一定会赏光。如您确能参加,请来函告知您抵达的时间——以便我们为您安排会晤。当然,所有安排您在[10日晚间]夜宿的费用,皆将由公司代您支付。范例2:
邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐 De ar [Susan]: I kn yuare intere sted in [i l painting], s I’m s ure yu’llbe interes ted in [Mr. and Mrs.Lin dun]!They areing here t supper [n ext Sunday night, ct ber the te lfth], and e’d likeyu and [al ter] t e,t. [Mr. an d Mrs. Lin Dun] arethat verycharming c uple e met in [Lndn]last summ er. They h ave a nder ful cllect in f [il p aintings f varius st ages]; and I underst and that M r. Lin
Dun is quitean authrit y n [il pa inting]. I’m sure yu and alter ill thrug hly enjy a nd evening in theirpany. e’re planningsupper atsix; thatill give u s a nice l ng evening t talk. I f I dn’t h ear frm yu befre the n, I’ll be expecting yu n the[telfth]!Affectinat ely yurs,Li Ming 范例3:
邀请朋友共进午餐 In viting a f riend t in frmal lunc hen Dear [Zhang Ying]: ill yue t lunche n n [Frida y, May the fifth], a t [telve ’clck]? Myniece [Mar y] is visi ting us an d I thinkyu ill enj y meetingher. She i s a charmi ng, verypr etty girl…and very gd pany![Jhn and J ane] ill b e here, an d perhapse can [giv e a dance]after lun chen. D sa y yu’ll e!Affectina tely yurs, Li Ming 范例4:
邀请参加展会 DearSirs/Madam: e hereby sincerely invite yu and yur p any repres entativest visit ur bth at Th e Cntinent al Exhibit in Centerfrm April15th t 20t h 201X. e’re ne f th e manufact urers spec ialized in sanitarya re, cnclud ing ne t p iece tilet, ash basi n, cabinet basin, pe destal bas in, bidet,urinal, c unter basi n , decrat ed ceramic s and s n.ur ne mde ls ffer su perb desig n and thei r ne featu res give t hem distin ct advanta ges ver si milar prdu cts frm th er manufac turers. It uld be agreat plea sure t mee t yu at th e exhibiti n.e expect t establi sh
lng-ter m business relatinsith yur pa ny in futu re. Exhibi tin Center : The Cnt inental Ex hibitin Ce nter Bth N umber : G-K105 G-K-106 Date :Apr 15th t 20th 201X Best Rega rds 五种常见的英文邀请信 1) 请对方来发表一个spee ch,这封信是要感谢对方,同时确认对方对技术设备的具体要求。 Dear Sir/Madam,I mdelightedyu have ac cepted urinvitatint spea
k at the cnfer ence in [c ity] n [da te]. As eagreed, yu ll be spe aking n th e tpic frm [time] t[time]. Th ere ill be sme timefr questin s. uld yuplease tel l me hat k ind f audi-visual eq uipment yu ll need?If yu culd let me kn yur speci fic requir ements by[date], Ill have
pl enty f tim e t make s ure that t he htel pr vides yu i th hat yuneed. Than k yu again fr agreei ng t speak. I lk fra rd t heari ng frm yu. Sincerely yurs, [na me] [title] 2) 这封信则是请对方来参加自己公司的一个招待会。 De ar Sir/Mad am, Thankyu fr yurletter f [date]. I m glad that yu are al s ging t [place] nex t mnth. It uld be agreat plea sure t mee t yu at th e
[exhibit in/trade f air]. ur p any is hav ing a rece ptin at [h tel] n the evening f[date] an d I uld be very plea sed if yuculd atten d.
I lk fr ard t hear ing frm yu sn. Yurssincerely,[name] [t itle]
3) 这封信是邀请对方公司派人来做介绍。 Dea r Sir/Mada m,
[rganiz atin] uldvery muchlike t hav e smene fr m yur pany speak atur cnferen ce n [tpic]. As yu m ay be aare, the miss in f ur as sciatin is prmtin. M any f ur m embers are intereste d in the a chievement s yur pany has made.Enclsed is ur prelim inary
sche dule fr th e cnferenc e that ill be reviee d in the i ng eeks. I ll call y u [date] t see h frm yur panyuld be ill ing t spea k t us. Ican assure yu that e ll make e verythingas cnvenie nt as pssi ble fr the speaker.Sincerelyyurs, [nam e] [title] 4) 邀请收信人参加自己公司的产品演示会。 Dear Si r/Madam, e uld liket invite y u t an exc lusive pre sentatin f ur ne [pr duct]. The presentat in ill tak e place at[lcatin],at [time]n [date]. There ill als be areceptin a t [time].e hpe yu a nd yur cll eagues ill be able t attend. [pany] is a leading p rducer f h igh-qualit y [prduct]. As yu kn, recent t echnlgical advanceshave bee
i ncreasingl y affrdabl e t the pu blic. ur n e mdels ff er superbquality an d sphistic atin ith e cnmy, andtheir ne f eatures gi ve them di stinct adv antages ve r similarprducts fr m ther
man ufacturers. e lk fra rd t seein g yu n [da te]. Justcall ur ff ice at [ph ne number] and e ill be glad t secure aplace fr y u. Sincere ly yurs, [name] [tit le] 5) 邀请收信人参加公司总裁的退休仪式,这也是公司人性化公关活动的一种形式。 Dear