1) I am longing to see you soon.我盼望你早点来。
英文邀请信2) I hope you will not decline my invitation.我希望你不会拒绝我的邀请。
3) We would feel much honored if you could come.如果你能来我们都将不胜荣幸。
4) If you have no other plans for this weekend night, will you do us the favor of going to the party.如果你这个周末没有其他的安排,能否赏脸来我们的派对?
5) Would you please let know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation?如果你能接受我的邀请能否尽早让我知道?
6) Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you are free to 你能否写信告知我你是否有时间来...
7) Your participation can surely add color to our ... and we are all looking forward to your involvement.你的参与一定能为我们的...活动增添彩,我们所有人都期待你的参与。
8) I do hope you will accept our invitation if it is convenient to you.我真的希望你能接受我们的邀请如果你方便的话。
9) We would be looking forward to your participation in the party.我们期待你参加聚会