此致敬礼 (S aluta tion) I wo uld h ereby invi te th e mem bersof Be ijing dele gatio n tot ally4 per sons(list ed at tachm ent)led b y you, toe ove r to***(c ountr y) fo r *** (exp ositi on),which is t o beheldat *** (pl ace)d uring ***(date). Pl easemake
the n ecess ary a rrang ement s for your dele gatio n toarriv e in*** (count ry).Durin g the
expo sitio n, yo u wil l sta y her e for ***days. Allyourexpen ses i nclud ing i ntern ation al ai r tic kets, loca l tra nspor tatio n, ac modat ions, medi cal i nsura ncesand a ll ot her r elate d
exp enses duri ng yo ur st ay he re wi ll be paid by y ourse lves. We a re lo oking forw ard t o
gre eting youin *** (co untry) ver y soo n. Yo urs s incer ely,(Sign ature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。
July 29,2017XXX,CEO X XX, V P Sal es XX XXXXX X Cor porat ion (Addre ss)It’s
ou r gre at ho nor t o inv ite y ou to visi t XXX Comp any l ocate d at(addr ess)in Au gust, 2017. Thi s vis it wi ll pr ovide an o pport unity foryou t o mak e a b etter unde rstan dingof ou r
mar ketin g iss ues,and t o mun icate ourfutur e bus iness coop erati on in deta il. X XX
Co mpany, asone o f you r dis tribu torsin Ch ina,has b een g reatprogr essin g inpromo tingand s ellin g you r pro ducts. Webelie ve th is vi sit w ill b e ofgreat bene fit t o our futu re
bu sines s coo perat ion.Pleas e use this invi tatio n let ter t o app ly fo r you r VIS A toChina. Weare a ll lo oking forw ard t o see ing y ou so on, a nd sh ouldyou h ave a ny
qu estio ns, p lease feel free to i nform me.Yours trul y, XX X Vic e Pre siden t Sal es XX X Com pany3.英文商务邀请函范文加拿大商务访问邀请函必须包含以下信息: 被邀请人的信息被邀请人的信息 Ab out t he pe rsonbeing invi ted 全名 / p letename生日 /dateof bi rth,if kn own 职务及所代表的公司/ thepanyrepre sente d and theperso n’s p ositi on 该人的住址电话(工作/住宅)/the p erson’s ad dress andtelep honenumbe r (bo th
wo rk an d hom e) 你公司与被邀人的商务关系及历史/ your pany’s re latio nship to t he
in vitee andyourbusin ess h istor y tog ether你是否与该人相知,关系如何w hethe r you know thevisit or pe rsona lly,and i f you arerelat ed 访问目的(如需长期逗留,请解释原因)thepurpo se of thetrip(if p art o f a l onger-term proj ect,pleas e pro videconte xt)访问时间和期限the l ength of t ime t he pe rsonwillbe vi sitin g you r pan y inCanad a 在加拿大的生活起居由贵公司承付 /acmod ation andlivin g exp enses that your pany will cove r and离加日期(最好是往返机票)/ the date theperso n int endsto le ave C anada, ifknown.篇三:英文邀请信
D ear J ane,We ha ve fo ur ti ckets fora fam ous f ilm s hownat Gu angmi ng Ci nema, TheLonge st Da y, Fr iday, theninth. Wil l you join us?We ll be l ookin g for youat ei ght s harpFrida y nig ht in fron t ofthe c inema, sodon t disa ppoin t us! Warm est r egard s. Al ice 第二种邀请信一般由会议或学术活动的组委会的某一个负责人来写,以组委会的名义发出,而且被邀请者通常也是属于比较有威望的人士。因此,这类邀请信的措辞要相对正式一些,语气要热情有礼。
Dear Prof essor Wang, Onbehal f ofthe O hio S tateUnive rsity andthe I EEE C omput er So ciety, I w ouldbe ve ry pl eased to i nvite youto at tendand c haira ses sionof th e for thing 2017 Inte rnati onalConfe rence on P arall el Da ta Pr ocess ing t o beheldin Be llair e,
Mi chiga n, fr om Oc tober 25 t o Oct ober28, 2017.You a re an inte rnati onall y acc laime d
sch olarand e ducat or. Y our p artic ipati on wi ll be amon g the high light s ofthe C onfer ence. We s incer ely h ope t hat y ou co uld a ccept ourinvit ation. Asyou k now,thisisthe 10th
anni versa ry of theConfe rence andwe pl an to make it a trul y int ernat ional meet ing.We ha ve ac cepte d man y pap ers f rom s evera l for eigncount ries, incl uding twofromChina. Ifyou c an e, plea se le t usknowas so on as poss ible, sinc e wehaveto pr epare thefinal
prog ram s oon.We ar e loo kingforwa rd to your acce ptanc e. Si ncere ly yo urs,Peter Whit e 三、邀请信的回复无论是收到哪种邀请信都要复信,明确表示接受与否。而且无论接受与否都要对邀请者表示感谢。接受邀请的回信一般包含以下内容:
Dear Alic e, Th ank y ou ve ry mu ch fo r you r inv itati on. I t wil l begreat plea surefor m e tojoinyou o n Fri day f or th e won derfu l fil m. Iwillarriv e atthe c inema befo re ei ght.I
loo k for wardto me eting youon Fr iday. Than k you forthink ing o f me. Your s, Ja ne 谢绝邀请的回信一般包含以下几方面的内容:
Dear Prof essor Whit e, Ma ny th anksfor y our l etter date d 15t h Aug ust,invit ing m e toatten d and chai r a s essio n ofthe f orthi ng 2017 In terna tiona l Con feren ce on Para llelDataProce ssing to b e hel d inBella ire,英语电子邮件邀请函)Michi gan,fromOctob er 25
to 28, 2017. M uch t o myregre t, Ishall notbe ab le to hono r the invi tatio n bec auseI
hav ebeen suff ering from a di sease sinc e thi s sum mer.I amfirml y adv isedthatit wo uld b e unw ise t o und ertak e any dist ant a nd lo ng tr avelin th e nea r fut ure.I fee l ver y sad
to m iss t he op portu nityof me eting youand m any o thers in t he fi eld o f Com puter Scie nce.I wis h the conf erenc e a p letesucce ss. F aithf ullyyours,