="TEXT-IN DENT: 2em">如何写英文邀请函?其格式如何?介绍5种常见的英文邀请函予以参考:
="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">五种常见的英文邀请信之一 Dea r
sirma dam: ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">I"m delig hted th at ou h ave
aep ted our invita tion to speakat theConfere ne in
on . ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">As e agre ed, ou"ll be s peaking on the topi... from to . T here il l be an additi onal mi nutes f or ques tions. ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">Would o u pleas e tellme hatkind of audio-visualequipme nt ou"l l need. If ouould le t me kn o our s peifi r equirem ents b, I"llhave pl ent oftime to make s ure tha t the h otel pr ovidesou ithhat ouneed. ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">T hank ou againfor agr eeing t o speak. I loo k forar d to he aring f rom ou. ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">Sinere l ours, ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em"> ="TE XT-INDE NT: 2em">
="T EXT-IND ENT: 2e m">五种常见的英文邀请信之二 Dearsirmada m: ="T EXT-IND ENT: 2e m">Than k ou fo r our l etter o f . I"m glad t hat ouare als o going to ne xt mont h. It o uld bea great pleasu re to m eet ouat the. ="TE XT-INDE NT: 2e
m">Our p an is h aving a reepti on at on theevening of an d I oul d be ve r pleas ed if o u ouldattend. ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">I look forard to hea ring fr om ou s oon. ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">Yo urs sin erel,
="TEXT-INDENT: 2em"> ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em"> ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">五种常见的英文邀请信之三Dear si rmadam: ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em"> ouldver muh like t o havesomeone from o ur panspeak a t our o nferene on . ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">A s ou ma be XXr e, themission of our assoia tion is to pro mote .Man ofour mem bers ar e inter ested i n the a hieveme nts our pan ha s made
in . ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">En losed i s our p relimin ar shed ule for the on ferenehih ill be rev ieed in eeks.Ill all ou to see
ho from o ur panould be illing to spe ak to u s. I an assure ou tha t ell m ake eve rthingonvenie nt to t he
spea ker. ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">Si nerel o urs, ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em"> ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em"> ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">五种常见的
英文邀请信之四D ear sir madam: ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">We ould like t o invit e ou to an exl usive p resenta tion of our ne . Thepresent ation i ll take plae a t , at on . T here il l alsobe a re eptionat . We hope o u and o ur olle agues i ll be a ble toattend. ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em"> is aleading produe r of hi gh-qual it . As ou ell kno, r eent te hnologi al adva nes hav e madeinreasi ngl
aff ordable to the publi. Our ne models offersuperbqualitand sop histiat ion ith eonom, and th eir nefeature s givethem
di stint a dvantag es over simila r produ ts from other
manufat urers. ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">We look forard to see ing ouon . Ju st allour off ie at and e i ll be g lad toseure a plae f or ou. ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">Sinerel ours, ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em"> ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em"> ="TE XT-INDE NT: 2em">五种常见的英文邀请信之五 Dear s irmadam: ="TE XT-INDE NT: 2em">On ,e ill h ost anevening of ele bration in hon or of t he reti rementof , Pr esident of . Y ou areordiall invite d to at tend th e elebr ation a t , , o n from to p.m. ="TE XT-INDE NT: 2em"> hasbeen th e Presi dent of sine. Durin g thisperiod, expan ded its busine ss from to . N o its o ur oppo rtunitto than k him f or hisears of exempl ar
lead ershipand ish him el l for a happ r etireme nt. Ple ase joi n us to sa Goo d-be to . ="T EXT-IND ENT: 2e m">Seeou on .
="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">Yourssinerel引文来源英文邀请函格式<H R id=nu ll>结构要点:
="TE XT-INDE NT: 2em">
1.邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点;="TEXT-I NDENT:
与该活动有关的注意事项; ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">
3.期待对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。 ="TE XT-INDE NT:
2em">Diret ions1 ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">Wr ite a l etter t o one o f our h igh sho ol lass mates h o is in a near b it, a nd invi te himh er to o ur it a t thiseekend.Some n eessardetails must b e inlud ed. Donot sig n our o n nameat theend ofour let ter, us ing “Li Ming”instead. ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">Sample: ="TEX T-INDEN T:
2em">Dear L inda, ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">W e haven’t seen eah ot her for six ea rs afte r gradu ation.I am so glad t o hearthat ou have g raduate d fromUCLA an d e bak to ork in Suz hou. If ou are free t his Sat urda, p lease e to Sha nghai a nd have a good time i th me.="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">W e an fi rst goto theCenturPark, h ere the floers are al l in bl ossom.Let’s g o boati ng on t he lake—isn’t it ple asant i n the o ol bree ze? The n I ill treatou to d inner a t a est ern res taurant on Hua ihai Ro ad—it i s small but re all nie—I’m su re ou i ll enjo it. Af ter din ner, le t’s goto a on ert—ouare a m usi lov er, are n’t ou? ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">If ou o uldn’te, plea se noti f me be fore Fr ida. If ou an, please tell m e hih t rain ou ill ta ke andI ill m eet ouat theraila s tation. ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">I am
lo oking f orard t o meeti ng ou.="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">S inerelours, ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">Li Ming ="TEXT-I NDENT:
2em">邀请信2 ="TE XT-INDE NT: 2em">语言注意点: ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">邀请信叙事一定要清楚、明白。如写给朋友,可选用活泼、真诚的言辞;如写给长辈、上级、名人等,则语言应正式、礼貌。 ="TEXT-INDENT: 2em">Diretio ns 2 ="TEXT-IN DENT: 2em">Wri te a le tter to invite a famo us prof essor t o givea letur e to th e Engli sh post graduat e stude nts inour uni versit.Some n eessardetails must b e inlud ed. Donot sig n our o n nameat theend ofour let ter, us ing “Li Ming”instead. ="TEX T-INDEN T: 2em">Sample: ="TEX T-INDEN T:
2em">Dear P rofesso r Mihae l Huthi son, ="TEXT-IN DENT: 2em">We
are ver glad t o hearthat ou are at tending an int ernatio nal
onf erene i n Beiji ng. Weare rit ing thi s lette r to in quir th e possi bilit o f invit ing outo deli ver a l eture o n Ameri an
lite raturefor our postgr aduatestudent s on th e eveni ng of J une
6. ="TEXT-IN DENT: 2em">Wehave lo ng been notied that o u havedone alot ofsubstan tial an d reati ve orkin this field. To of
our boo ks have bee te xtbooks for ou r stude nts for severa l ears. So all of usbelieve our le ture il l benef it ourstudent
s and t eahingstaff a like. ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">If ou anmanageto e, p lease t ell usthe num ber ofour fli ght and e illmeet ou at the airpor t. If o u an’tmake it, pleas e alsolet uskno. ="TEXT-IN DENT: 2em">Weare loo king fo rard to our in g.
="TE XT-INDE NT: 2em">
S inerelours, ="TEXT-I NDENT:2em">
Li Mi ng 引文来源opportu nit tomeet it h ou, o ur valu ed usto mer. Fr om 28 A pril -1 Ma 201X, e i ll be e xhibiti ng at t he
"Hon g KongGifts Premium Fair 201X". W e ordia ll invi te ou t o
visit our bo oth. Ou r booth number is 3D11 in Ha ll
3. Youma likhere to find o ur loat ion. Wi th Comp liments XXXX 基本上就是这个格式了,当然你完全可以把它弄得漂亮些。
英文邀请信6种英文邀请信范文201X-03-17 10:39邀请信包括宴会、舞会、晚餐、聚会、婚礼等各种邀请信件,形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式,亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 , 即一般
邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场合写清楚,不能使接信人存在任何疑虑。例如:“I’dlike ou
and Bo b to eto Lunh eon nex t Frida.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并不明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I’d like o u and B ob to e to lun heon ne xt Frid a, Ma t he
fift h.”
1.邀请朋友共进午餐 Invi ting afriendto info rmal
lu nheon D ear :
W ill oue to lu nheon o n ,
M nie e is v isiting us and I thin k ou il l enjomeeting her. S he is a harmin g, verprett g irl … a nd vergood pa n! ill be her e, andperhaps e an after l unheon. Do sa
ou’ll e!
Affet ionatel