    This year's summer vacation is very meaningful for me, because I met aspecial "friend" -- the tortoise.
    The appearance of the tortoise is very silly, bravery, small, easilyindented his head into the shell, but because of this, I like talking to it,what secret all tell it, the tortoise seems to understand. A few days to getalong with down, our relationship has been very deep.
    Someone says: love is not necessarily have, also can be let go. Everyonehas his own family, tortoise, too, so I decided to let the turtle go home. Itook the decision to tell dad, dad said I was a sensible child, also promised totake the turtle home with me.
    Along the way, I firmly hold the tortoise and the turtle seemed tounderstand that we are about to separate, very good to lay in my arms. Dad and Ifound a very clean in the reservoir, where we are and the tortoise took a groupphoto, then put the turtle in the water. Looking at the turtle swam slowly tothe water, my tears constantly supposed although there are countless heartloathe to give up, but love it should not let it go? I waved and said,"good-bye,
tortoise, I wish you a speedy reunion with my family." Turtle swamfor a while, and turned to head looked at us, and then swam to the bottom. Myfather and I you look at me, I see you, everyone laughed happily.
    Look, what a meaningful summer vacation!
    My summer vacation is simple In the summer vacation Iwatched the London Olympic Games on TV. The events in the Olympic Games so many,there are swimming, hurdles, diving, weight lifting, etc., each field is fierce.What impressed me most is that a sun Yang, is really make people nervous!
    Just to play, to participate in the men's 1500 m freestyle competitor,which also have sun Yang. I just don't know sun Yang this beginning, but afterwatching the game, in my mind, memory, appeared the man to win thechampionship!
    Each player ready, their ears "vertical" rise, listened to the judge that awhistle.
    Has begun! Sun Yang education! Everyone cheered, I'm cheering, it ate. SunYang was leading, in other countries. A back and forth, back and forth two,three back and forth, back and forth many times. Under the continuous efforts ofsun Yang, he is in the lead. Quick! Coming soon! I don't know what's the matter,on the field of the Chinese people stood up, th
e cheers as the sea sound! Liketo play the thunder!
    China has won a gold medal, the Chinese boy! Sun Yang fellows! Other eventsare very e某citing, but I am sun Yang is very impressive!
暑假英语作文    开始了!孙阳教育!每个人都欢呼起来,我也欢呼着,这吃着。孙阳暂时领先,其他国家的选手暂时落后。一个来回,两个来回,三个来回,来回了许多次。在孙阳的不断努力下,他还是领先。快了!快到了!不知怎么了,场上的中国人都站了起来,那欢呼声如大海声一般!如打雷声一般!