【 导语】暑假里虽然有许多事都不能实现,不能满足,但暑假是多么的自由自在!以下是为大家精心整理的内容欢迎大家阅读。
Time flies. In a blink of an eye, my beautiful and happy summer vacation is over. However, what happened in the summer vacation will become the best memory in my childhood footprints.
There are thousands of things that happened in the summer vacation, and there are countless. But there is one thing I will never forget. I remember that night, I was going to take a walk with my mother. However, when I came downstairs, I saw many children gathered around the door of the drugstore. I walked forward curiously and asked, only to know: as long as I bought the handicrafts here, I can come here every night to smear. I thought it was very interesting, so I asked my mother to buy one for me.
Mom agreed without thinking about it. I'm very happy. I began to choose. There are many ha
ndicrafts here: cartoon characters, small animals, All kinds, dazzling. I was dazzled to see them, and I wanted to keep them all for myself. Finally, I chose a picture frame. I want to make a picture frame by myself and put my photos in it.
At first, I thought it was very simple, but when I picked up the pen, it was not as simple as I thought. I even regret my choice. At this time, I thought of what my father often said to me, "nothing is difficult in the world, just be afraid of those who have a heart." I began to calm down and paint slowly, from color selection to painting, stroke by stroke, seriously. I painted for three consecutive nights, and finally, my work was finished. It took me a lot of effort. I like it very much.
This is the most interesting and happiest thing in my summer vacation. Through this thing, I learned: no matter what you do, you should do it with your heart. In the days to come, I will face everything in life with my heart. I believe I will do well.
Things in the summer vacation are like the sea. There are countless small drops of water, some of which are tiny, and some of which are as big as river water. Today I'll tell you something that I can't forget.
Today, I'm going to ask my mother how to fry poached eggs. At first, I was clumsy and inflexible, splashing the egg liquid on my apron. Later, I turned the egg too slowly, causing one side of the egg to paste, which was not only unsightly, but also affected the taste. Therefore, I was very unhappy and wanted to give up. My mother said to me, "you can't give up! Persistence is victory. Don't be afraid. Practice makes perfect. No one is born. Those celebrities also work hard behind their backs to succeed." My mother's words made me brave and began to fry poached eggs again. If I fail the first time, I can try again. Maybe I have failed ninety-nine times, and the hundredth time is my brilliant success.暑假英语作文
I carefully smashed the eggs and put them into the oil pot, paying special attention to whether the eggs were pasted. When the egg liquid below solidifies, I turn the egg upside down like my mother. Excellent! The egg has no paste, but it is still white protein and clear
yolk. I continued to work hard and observed the eggs. After a while, I finished the poached eggs. I took a bowl from the cupboard, put the crisp eggs out and add a little soy sauce, ah! Looking at it makes people fall three feet. It's urgent. I picked up the spoon and sent it to my mouth. Wow, it's delicious! Let you take the first bite and want to take the second. Swallow it in one gulp and take another spoonful. I won't stop until I finish eating. Now I'm drooling when I think of it.
I think the poached eggs this time are more delicious and delicious than those made by my mother, which I made through my own efforts. I learned to make poached eggs, and I also learned that I have to work hard and sweat before I can get a good return.
Holidays add fresh colors to our life. During the summer vacation, many unforgettable things happened, one of which made me feel a little ashamed.
As soon as I had a holiday, I moved to my cousin's house. One day, there was no one at ho
me. My cousin said, "the adults are not at home. Let's go out and play together?"? "Hearing my cousin say this, I was very happy and said to go. We didn't say where to play, so we went to the library. It was too quiet inside, and there was no one shouting. We hurried out. We thought we'd better go home, and adults will worry about us again.
On the way home, my cousin bought me lemonade, which was sweet and delicious. Lemonade is very cold, which makes me feel that in this hot summer, it has become winter. Suddenly we saw a doll grabbing machine in front of us, and we were involuntarily attracted. My cousin and I looked at each other and wanted to say that we were going home. Adults would be worried. However, we stayed to play. Seeing that the person in front didn't catch anything, we thought in our hearts, hoping to catch one. Several times in a row, we failed. There is only one coin left. We put our last hope on this coin and moved the button carefully. WOW! We succeeded and finally caught it. Just when we were proud, we remembered a serious thing: we had promised to go home, but now we play here and spend all our money. Thinking of this, we all feel a little guilty. We don't know how to tell adults when we get home.