1.A long time ago in beautiful palace there livedtime in a bottle unhappy king.
A.a; the    B.a; an    C.the; a
2.—How does Mr Depp go to work?
—He to work by car, but now he takes a bus there.
A.used to go    B.used to going    C.is used to going
3.— The first high-speed railway was put into service in Heze last November. It’s convenient for us to go out now.
— Yes. It becomes the ________ of our city.
A.memory    B.ability    C.pride
4.—I like the saying “clean water and green mountains are as ________ as maintains of gold and silver”.
—So do I. Because keeping the water clean and mountains green can bring us wealth.
A.cheap    B.expensive    C.valuable
5.—I can’t remember the text. What should I do?
—Well, you can turn the text into a mind map (思维导图). ________, you may remember well and think of it later easily.
A.At the beginning    B.On the other hand    C.In this way
6.—How nice the T-shirt looks! Maybe it belongs to Jerry’s.
—It ____________ be Jerry’s. It’s much too small for him.
A.must    B.can’t    C.can
7.—Could you tell me ________ the Fourth Art Festival?
—Sure. We’ll have it next week.
A.when you’ll have    B.when will you have    C.where you had
8.—What do you think of the movie My people, My Country?
—I think it is one of ________ movies I’ve seen in recent years.
A.exciting    B.more exciting    C.the most exciting
9.—Have you seen anyone passing your office?
—Sorry, I didn’t notice it because I ________ a telephone call.
A.am answering    B.was answering    C.have answered
10.________ honest boy he is! He never tells a lie.
A.How    B.How an    C.What an
请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Cassie, the cassowary (食火鸡) lived a     11    life. She would walk through the forest, eating fallen fruit, while other birds flew among the trees.
“Why can’t you     12    ?” they would ask.
“Your little wings (翅膀) can’t     13    lift you off the ground!” they would laugh at her. “You’re a     14    to birds,” they would speak in a high voice until they flew away. Cassie was feeling more and more lonely and     15    so she decided to     16    the forest. As she walked free from the trees, she heard a deep voice from behind. Cassie turned around. A large tree signed to her to come back into the forest, “We need you here,” said the tree, “We     17    you to eat our fruit and spread our seeds (种子). The other birds may think that you’re useless, but you are actually the most useful bird in the forest. Please don’t go, you
are irreplaceable (不可替代).”
Cassie smiled for the first time in many weeks and returned home to the forest. The fruit had never     18    so good.
It’s easy to compare your skills to the abilities of others and feel ashamed (惭愧). It’s easy to listen to the voices of others and believe     19    . But know this—You are useful, you are     20    , and you are irreplaceable!
11.A.lonely    B.happy    C.common
12.A.run    B.walk    C.fly
13.A.still    B.even    C.also
14.A.shame    B.secret    C.stranger
15.A.useless    B.strong    C.beautiful
16.A.avoid    B.leave    C.forget
17.A.look up to    B.take pride in    C.depend on
18.A.smelled    B.looked    C.tasted
19.A.them    B.these    C.him
20.A.worth    B.unusual    C.wise
I’m Bent of 18. I have a friend Mike who is two years younger than me. We are both interested in a TV show called Survive the Wild. And we often talk about how to survive(生存)if we get in the wilderness. So we have signed up(报名)the Greenwood Teen Summer Survival Camp this summer. Here’s the poster. We can’t wait to learn lots of cool survival skills!
The Greenwood Teen Summer Survival Camp!
Join us now! We teach you how to…
Start a fire
Catch small animals
Build a tree house
Find drinking water
Find your way without a compass using the sun and stars!
Camp 1
Camp 2
Camp 3
Camp 4
July 10-17
July 20-27
August 2-8
What you need to bring:
Walking shoes Warm clothes A brave heart
21.Why do the writer and his friend sign up for this summer camp?
A.To learn how to safely start a fire.
B.To learn how to survive in the wild.
C.To learn how to keep warm at night.
22.What do they need to take to this camp?
A.Warm clothes.    B.Drinking water.    C.Some matches.
23.The writer and his friend are free from Jul. 15 to Aug. 16. Which camp might they attend?
A.Camp 1.    B.Camp 4.    C.Camp 3.
Dear Dr. Know,
My mom decides and cares about nearly everything in my life—my clothes, my after-school classes, even who I hang out with. I know she does these because she loves me but it’s really annoying and it makes me stressful. What can I do?
Dear Mike,
I can understand you.
You’re right when you say that she does these things because she loves you. It’s quite possible that she does them because she still regards you as a young child.
But on the other hand, as you are getting older, you will need to be more independent. Your mom might not want to hear this. Why not sit down and have a talk with her and explain that you want to exercise your independence more? Tell her that you can deal with some things on your own, and you will ask her for help when needed. Hope my suggestions helpful.
Dr. Know
24.Why does Mike write to Dr. Know?