Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.
25. ______ economy in some European countries worsening, many more workers had to be laid off.
A. With              B. By                C. For              D. Beyond
26. – Mike, did you see Mr. Chapman in the office just now?
  -- Yes, he ______, and he looked a little bit nervous.
  A. had been interviewed                    B. interviewed
  C. was being interviewed                    D. was interviewed
27. A reporter’s task is to inform readers of the events that happened, ______ conclusions.
A. not draw              B. not drawing      C. not to draw          D. not drawn
28. Do you believe drinking a glass of wine every day ______ reduce the danger of heart diseases?
  A. could                B. must              C. need                D. should
29. Before the ladies ______ the colorful box, filled with things like books, dolls and fancy clothes.
A. was lain            B. are lain              C. lie                  D. lay
30. Boys and girls, make sure you ______ your names on the test paper before handing them in.
A. wrote                B. write            C. will write              D. had written
31. Of all the clues they provided, ______ is of any help for solving the case of robbery.
A. nothing                B. neither            C. none                D. no one
32. In extreme weather, a worn tyre can break easily ______ it’s mended, as is often the case.
A. when                B. where                C. which                D. that
33. ______ once every two years, whether it is a car, a bus or a lorry, is the rule that all drivers must obey in our country.
  A. Having been examined                  B. Examined 
C. Examining                            D. Being examined
34. People generally think that fairness and justice are at the centre of ______ they are striving for.
A. how              B. why              C. which              D. what
35. It worries the couple a lot ______ their only son is behaving worse and worse these days.
A. how                  B. why                  C. that                D. what
36.       an important position in a big company, Richard has a good chance to improve himself.
A. Offered          B. Offering            C. Having offered     D. To offer
37. According to what he complained about, something must have gone wrong with the computer, ______?
A. mustn’t it          B. didn’t he          C. hasn’t he            D. didn’t it
38. In Canada, cross country skiing is a popular sport among people ______ they can enjoy excitement and adventure.
A. that              B. where              C. whom                D. which
39. Making a proper choice ______ the future will probably make much difference in our life.
  A. concerning          B. to concern          C. concerned            D. having concerned
40. -- How long do you think it will be ______ the bus arrives here?
-- No more than five minutes.
A. when              B. before              C. since                D. after
【参考答案】25-40: ACCAD  BCBDD  CADBA  B
阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(ABCDtime in a bottle)中,选出最佳选项。
More surprising,perhaps,than the current difficulties of traditional marriage is the fact that marriage itself is alive and increasing.As Skolnick notes,Americans are a marrying people:relative to Europeans,more of us marry at younger age.Moreover,after falling in the early 1970s,the rate of marriage in the United States is now increasing.Even the divorce rat
es need to be taken in this pro-marriage context:some 80 percent of divorced individuals remarry.Thus,marriage remains,by far,the preferred way of life for the vast majority of people in our society.
  What has changed more than marriage is the nuclear family.Twenty-five years ago,the typical American family consisted of a husband,a wife,and two or three children.Now,there are many marriages in which couples have decided not to have any children.And there are many marriages where at least some of the children are from the wife's previous marriage,or the husband's,or both,sometimes these children spend all of their time with one parent from the former marriage;sometimes they are shared between two former spouses.
  Thus,one can find every type of family arrangement.There are marriages without children;marriages with children for only the present marriage;marriages with“full-time”children from both the present and former marriages;marriages with“full-time”children from the present marriage and“part-time”children from former marriages.There are stepfathers,stepmothers,half-brothers,and half-sisters.It is not all that unusual for a child to
have four parents and eight grandparents!These are enormous changes from the traditional nuclear family.But even so,even in the midst of all this,there remains one constant:most Americans spend most of their adult lives married.