          2. 满分150分(含听力30分)。考试时间120分钟。
I卷(选择, 满分100分)
第一部分  听力测试(共四大题,满分30分)
    6. A. My pleasure.        B. Terrible!                    C.See you.
    7. A. No, thanks.          B. Hold on, please.              C.Well done.
    8. A. She is tall.          B. She is ill.                  C. She is a teacher.
    9. A. No, I’m very well.    B. Yes, they are.                    C. This way, please.
    10.A. Of course.          B. It doesn’t matter.          C. I got up late.
C. 对话理解(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共计10分)
11. Where is Kate from?
    A. Canada.                B. The UK.                C. Japan.
12. What is the name of the washing machine?
      A. Haier.                  B. Midea.                  C.ChangHong.
13. How often will the man take the medicine?
      A. Once a week.            B. Twice a month.          C. Three times a day.
14. How many books did the woman buy?
      A. One.                    B. Two.                  C.Three.
15. What about the weather?
      A.  Snowy.                  B. Cloudy.              C. Sunny.
16. Jim is____years old.
  A. eleven          B. seven                  C. nine
17. It is the          time for Jim to see a film alone.
  A. second          B. first                    C. last
18. Jim buys             from the girl.
    A. one ticket      B. three tickets              C. two tickets
19. Jim meets            in the cinema.
    A. his parents      B. no friends                C. some friends
20.                   cuts up the boy’s tickets.
A. The driver      B. The worker              C. The old man
第二部分 笔试部分(70 )
. B 栏中选出与 A 栏相匹配的答语。( 10 )
A                          B
21.  It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?          A. The same to you!
22.  Happy New Year              B. Good idea!
23.  Let’s go hiking tomorrow.          C. Yes, it’s a fine day.
24.  How do you get to school?          D. Take it easy.
25.  I feel nervous to hear that          E. On foot.
. 单项选择(本题共 10 小题。每小题 1 , 10 )
26.— Is that        post office?
—No, it’s        old library.
A. the; a            B. a ;an          C. an;a        D. an: the
27. Not only Jack but also I        crazy about the football match.
A. am                  B. is            C.are            D. be
28. —Whose card is this?
—It is              My brother Tom gave it to me on my birthday.
A.my              B. hers            C. ours        D. mine
29. The story is ______interesting ______everybody likes it very much.
A. very; that            B. so; that        C. such; that      D.such; because
30. —I’m afraid his radio is too noisy. Will you please        him to        a little.
A. ask; turn it down                      B. allow; turn it on
C. tell ;  turn it up                        D.advise; turn it off
31. Mum like        soap operas. Let’s buy a TV for her.
A. becoming          B. watching          C. looking        D. smelling
32. —All of my classmates have passed the English test.
        exciting the news is!
A. How                B. What                C. What an      D. How an
33. The        we do for other people, the        we will be
A. much: happier      B. more; happy        C. more: happier  D. most: happiest
34. —Would you please tell me        ?
—It’s Mr. Black’s.
A. when the robot was bought
B. who the robot belongs to
C. why the robot was made
D. which city the robot was taken to
35. David,         you please sweep the floor and take out the trash?
A. could      B.may      C. might      D. must
IV.完型填空(每空 1 分,共 10 分)
One day a little mouse was thirsty. She looked everywhere for water to drink. She climbed up onto a table. And she saw a bottle on the table. The mouth of the bottle was        (36).The little mouse looked inside the bottle. “Aha, there is        (37)milk in it. That’s great!” She went into it and began to drink.
She drank and drank. After a moment she had drunk enough. Her stomach was too big and she couldn’t come         time in a bottle (38) the bottle. She cried for help. Just then a cat camp up to the table. When the cat        (39) the cry he jumped onto the table so        (40), and said, “You’ll be my nice lunch!” The little mouse was very clever and she        (41) for a moment and said. “Brother Cat ,you mustn’t roll the bottle.”        (42)?” asked the cat. “I would get dizzy (
头晕目眩的)” said the mouse. The cat said that he would let her        (43) soon. So he began to roll the bottle. Suddenly the bottle fell down onto the floor and broke into         (44). The little mouse ran        (45) as fast as she could. When the cat jumped off the table and ran after her, the mouse had already gone into her home.