Module8  Public holidays
Unit 1 It’s the last day before the new school year begins
TeacherTong le   
Student levelJunior 2
Contents M8U1 Public holidays   
Length of the period45 minutes
Teaching Plan
Teaching style    listening and speaking
Teaching aims
1.Knowledge aims   
1. Key vocabulary : independence, labor,  vocation, while, until…
2.Key structures: It’s on the…
3. Teach the students how to get on well with their parents, relations, friends…
Ability aimsTo understand the dialogue .
Learn how to introduce holidays to others.
Expressions of dates
Emotional aims1. To develop Ss’ ability of listening./ note-taking.
2. To enable the students to learn something about how to celebrate a holiday..
Important pointThe expressions about introducing holidays.
Teaching aidsTape recorder, Multi-media
Teaching procedures
Step 1
1. guseeing game: which holiday is it ? western or Chinese?
2.enjoy a song and show some pictures of holidays , ask the students which holiday they are.
(歌曲链接),,,[%D5%C5%DF%E4]&cat=0&ct=134217728&tn=baidusg,%BD%DA%C8%D5++&si=%BD%DA%C8%D5;;%D5%C5%DF%E4;;184321;;184321&lm=-1&sgid=3&size=3670016&attr=0,0&titlekey=148261601,3513288540,,,[%CB%A6%B4%D0%B8%E8]&cat=0&ct=134217728&tn=baidusg,%CB%A6%B4%D0%B8%E8++&si=%CB%A6%B4%D0%B8%E8;;%B3%F5%D2%F4%CE%B4%C0%B4;;958540;;958540&lm=-1&sgid=1&size=2411724&attr=0,0&titlekey=1609086501,1778651491    Enjoy the pictures and get to know today’s topic.    To raise the Ss’ interest in the topic and give the task.
3. Game: remember holidays.
4. Checking: Do you remember a holiday? --- Independence Day.
Step 2
ListeningAsk the students to listen and write down the name and the date of the Independence Day.
Step 3
Game time
1. Review the expressions of months and some special words
2. How to read?& How to write?
Q:Do people in the world have Labour Day on the same day?
DialogueAsk the students to listen to the dialogue and finish A4.   
Step 5
Reading1. Ask the students to read the passage after the tape.
2. Read again. Read in roles. Read in group of 4.   
Step 6
Useful language  1.    Show students the difficult sentences.
2.    Ask the students to work in groups and translate them.   
Step 7
Game time
1.Suppose each of the students have a pen friend .then introduce your favourite holiday to him/her.
2. scoreboard.
Use beautiful sentences to introduce a holiday as possible as you can.
Step 8
SummaryWrite down what we learned in unit1on the blackboard.   
Homework1. Writing : Write a email
2. finish the little house.