Yale University
And that does why this is such important decision because it is one of that will follow you now and into the future.
And that includes another traditional Yale information session. There will be a guided tour beginning in fifteen minutes. In the meantime, I will happy to answer any question you may have.  Yes, um, when was Yale founded? Great question Yale was founded in 1701. It is true all Yale professors teach? Another great question, it is true that every tenured(享用终身的职务 professor in Yale colleges teaches undergraduates(大学生). So even a freshman might be taking a class from a Nobel Prize winner. Any more questions? Yeah! I have a question. Why did you choose Yale?
When I was a senior in high school, colleges called my name. Everyday I’d debate where to matriculate but everyplace seemed the same. Yet after I went though options only one choice remained. I want to hear from a college called Yale. Now let me explain.
It’s a place where you’ll learn quintessential(精华的) knowledge’s and you can live in a residential(住宅)colleges and you can put your hearts into the all the liberal arts and that’s why I choose Yale.梁博资料
Of course, you’ll get a first-rate(第一等的,最上等的)education but also thrived on classmates’ conversation. Here is where we thread. Shakespeare studied and Pre-Mid. OOOO… and that’s why I choose Yale.2021天津高考分数线
One of the reasons I choose Yale was foe it’s housing system. Before students arrive as a freshmen. They are randomly(随机的) signed to one of twelve smaller communities called residential colleges. These colleges have nothing to do with the academic subjects or extracurricular activities(课外活动). There are quite a bit more than just living spaces. Excuse me. Yeah admissions officer, tell me a bit more about residential colleges. Sure thing, students here at Yale come from everywhere around. Every type of interest that can be possibly is found. Do our passions divide us? No our college provide us with family common ground. For all four years we all reside together in college united
by pride. With such great facilities to hone your abilities. You’ll never go outside. Every college has a dining hall with a salad bar and grill and organic option for every meal. I’m going to eat my food.
Each one has a common room which we could not live without to study in you’re to meeting groups or simply to hang out. And when the dinning house is closed. There butteries for snacks. And if you need a study break, there’s game room to relax. I can get to the college library without stepping foot outside. And just down the hallway, my cloth washed and dried. I walk out my college gym, a mere two floors below. Then I meet my friends for rehearsal in the dance studio. There are tens of music practice rooms where I can hone my skills. We even have a movie theater this one always give me chills. We don’t have normal rooms at Yale. Instead we live in suites. So you may have a roommate. Oh we are matching sheets. Outside there’s a waiting room, so come and stay awhile. There’s space for couches and TV’s or lava lamp that’s your style. At the head of every college is a Master and a Dean. He lives us and eats with us and everything between. Am taking my class? Will these credits suffice? I got the flu. Need a pass. Can I get some 用英语介绍自己的房间
advice? What’s a good summer program? This fellowship is nice. Thank goodness that we have our Dean. A master brings us all together as our senior prof(教授)炒黄芩的功效与作用. hosting studying breaks and lectures for when we need time off. Who’d like see a Broadway show? I’ll gladly to subsidize. Let’s host another concert. I’ll proudly harmonize. There’s free food for evening for all of you to share and Master’s Tea tomorrow too I hope to see you there. Master’s Tea is our chance to see all your favorite celebrities. Heat the story and ask advice,…which is why I had to interview him for twice. Residential colleges come give a cheer. A place to call our home for all four years. A sense of unity, immense community. Our friendship will prevail. Wool… that’s why I choose Yale. But when you step outside your residential colleges. Who knows what you might run into?
图画人生But mostly choose Yale was for its superb academic opportunities. I came to Yale because I wanted to learn and want to learn from the best. I was tied of memorizing figures and facts just to pass another test. Last year I spent the summer abroad, I helped to monitor a foreign election. And Now I volunteer at a law school clinic on human rights protection. I want to be an architect someday. I want to help save a city that’s dying. That’
s why I need a school that’s would push me to see that my coursework has a grounding in reality. Now I grasp the bigger picture my perspective has a different scale. That’s why I choose Yale. I came to Yale from across the world because I wanted a globe education. Now I’m bringing clean water to the counties that need it through the H2O Africa foundation. I taking a class called philosophy of Art to see where truth and beauty connect. What is the concept of art, why should we care? Where do the Plato and Picasso intersect? I study real problems need to be solved because climate changing fast. I am working on a project design myself to submission to a conference on the Polar Ice Shelf. With the facilities help, I know that I won’t fail. That’s why I choose Yale. How do I know which class to take?  There’s over 2000 here. More than 50 foreign languages.  It’s only our freshman year. Well, as your freshman counselor, I was chosen by the Dean. I’m senior in this college and I know just what your mean. The first two weeks of classes, take any course you choose. Then you take your favorite, there’s no way you can lose.
When it’s time to study for that intensive course and you’re looking for the perfect resource. Yale’s library has got what your need dozens of collections sure to help you suc
ceed. Within this mountain of books , between these walls. You will find music and film ancient maps and all. You’ll want for nothing. Someone got every clearly thought of every detail. Do you mind? This is a library.  …Sorry
That’s why I choose Yale. Everyone here is on a similar mission where great classes and professors are campus tradition. The students are able and the classes are small. So go audition all your courses in the lecture hall. Come on people, time to hit ignition(点火) in science or in chemistry or as a musician. Meet professors over coffee or dinner. With their help you’re sure to be academic winner. We’re housed in suites in our residential college. There on debating in everyone knowledge’s. We’ve got it made with a Master and a Dean, as a freshman counselor to show us to scene. Residential and Colleges give spirit and unity. To every single person in the Yale community, we eat and we study and we jokes and relax and go to master’s teas and study breaks for nighttime snacks. Oyo…. Ooooo …oooo  that’s why we chose Yale!