Time to get up, man.- 好的 老爸 - 快点 -All right, Dad. -Come on. 马上来了
Should be here soo n.- 我想我该列个表 -
-I thi nk I should make a list. -What do
-For your birthday gifts? -Yeah. 你知道
只能要几个礼物 对吧?
You know you're only getting a couple of
things, right?知道啊我只想列出来看看 研究一下 好好选选
Yeah, I know. Just to look at and study so I can choose better. 哦 很聪明 那 就列吧
Okay, well, that's smart. Yeah, make a
list.想要的礼物你都会写吗 ?
Can you spell everything you're thinking
-I thi nk so. -All right. That's good.-
小伙子 你还好吧?-还好
-How you doing in here, man? -Okay. 我
们今天能去公园吗 在上完幼儿园后?
Can we go to the park today, after? 呃 我 还得去奥克兰 或许再说吧
No, I gotta go to Oakla nd. Well, maybe,
we'll see. 亲亲
Give me a kiss. 晚点再说
I'll talk to you later. 借过
Excuse me.对不起 呃...
Oh, 什么时候会人清洗一
...when is somebody gonna clean this off? 我不会说英文...我提过的 幸福的”幸"写 错了
And the Y? The Y. We talked about this.
It's an I in "happ in ess. " There's no Y
in "happi ness. " It's an I. 我不是说过
I'm Chris Gardner.我第一次见到我父亲时
I met my father for the first time whe n
I was years old. 我儿时就决定 将来我
And I made up my mind as a young kid that whe n I had 我的孩子一定得知
...my children were gonna know who their father was.这里讲述的是我人生故事的一 部分
This is part of my life story. 这部分叫
This part is called "Riding the Bus."[旧 金山年]那是什么?
It's a time mach in e, is n't it? 看起来是
Seems like a time mach ine. 像是时光机
That seems like a time mach in e. It's a
time mach ine. Take me with you. 这仪器
This 我膝盖上的这台仪器
...this mach ine on 这伙计 他
This guy, he has a time mach ine. 他 他
He travels in the past with this 这不是时光机
it is not a time mach ine. 而是 手提式
It' a portable bon e-de nsity sca nner. 是
A medical device I sell for a livi ng.
谢谢您给我这个机会 向您推介这仪器
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss it with you.-我不胜感激-我们真的不需 要克里斯
-I appreciate it. -We just don't need it,
It's unn ecessary and expe nsive.- 哦 或
-Well, -Thank you. 它比 X
It gave a slightly den ser picture tha n
an x-ray 但却贵了一倍
for twice the money.- 嘿 - 嘿 宝贝
-Hey. -Hey, baby.-怎么啦?-没 没事儿
-What happe ned? -No, noth in g. 只是 我
Look, I can't get Christopher today. 你
Oh, no, you don't, Chris. rm back on at .
我知道但我- -定要 去奥克兰
I know. I have got to go to Oakla nd. 所
以我得先接他回家 做饭 给他洗澡…
50I gotta get Christopher home, feed him,
哄他睡觉 然后七点前回到这
...get him in bed, and be back here by ?- 对-今天收到了税单
-Yes. -And we got the tax-bill no tice
today.-你说怎么办?-听着 就这么办
-What are you gonna do about that? -Look, this is what we gotta do. 看到那车了吗当幸福来敲门台词?
You see that car? The one with the pretty yellow shoe on it? 那是我的车
That' min e.医院附近不准停车
There' no park ing n ear hospitals. 赶时
That' what happens when you're always in
a rush.还是非常谢谢你
Thanks any way. Very much.- 或许下个季度
-Maybe next quarter. -It's possible. 我
I n eeded to sell at least two sca nners
a mo nth才够付房租和幼儿园费
for rent and daycare. 还得再卖一台
I'd have to sell 才够付车窗
...to pay off all of those tickets under
my wi ndshield wiper. 问题是
The 我很久没卖出一台了
...I have n't sold any for a while. 你什
Since whe n do you not like macaro ni and cheese?从...我出生开始?
51nee birth?- 这是什么?-呃?
-What's that? -What?- 这是什么东西 ?- 克里斯托弗的礼物
-What is this? -It's a gift for Christopher.- 谁给的?-我同事欣西雅 -From who? -Cy nthia from work. 她不知道 这是给大人玩的 克里斯托弗还小
It's for adults. Chris can't use it. She did n't know. 要怎么玩?
What are you supposed to do with it? 把
Make every side the same color. 你付税 了吗?
Did you pay the taxes? 没 我要申请延后 缴
No, I'm gonna have to file an extension.- 你已经申请过延期了 -是我还要再延期 一次
-You already filed an exte nsion. -Yeah, well, I gotta file ano ther one. —共是
It's $. I'll have it in the next mon th.是加上利息 还有罚金的总额吧
That means interest, right? And a
Yeah, a little bit. 让我处理就好 你就
别操心了 好吗?
Look, why don't you let me do this? All
right, just relax. Okay?- 来 别烦了 -
-Come here. Calm down. -I have to go back to work.准备上床了 嗨把盘子放水池里 去
Let's get ready for bed. Hey, put your plate in the sink. 几天前他们递交了一份
A few days ago I was prese nted with a report I'd 全面的经济现况
...a comprehe nsive audit, if you will,
of our econo mic con diti on. 你们不会喜欢