    My Favorite Story and What I Learned From It
    One of my all-time favorite stories is "The Little Engine That Could" by Watty Piper. It's a classic tale that my parents used to read to me every night before bed when I was little. Even though the story is short and simple, it has a powerful message that has stuck with me over the years.
    The story is about a little blue train engine who is asked to pull a huge train full of toys and food over a big mountain to get to all the good little boys and girls on the other side. At first, the little engine doesn't think she can do it because the train is so heavy and the mountain is so steep and high. She asks several big engines to help pull the train, but they all refuse, saying "I can't do it" or making excuses.
    The little blue engine doesn't give up though. She tells herself "I think I can, I think I can" over and over again. She works up all her courage and strength, and amazingly, she is able to slowly chug up and over the huge mountain, pulling the heavy train behind her! When she makes it to the top, she can't help but happily chant "I thought I could, I thought I could, I thought I could!"
    There are a few key reasons why this little story means so much to me and has taught me valuable life lessons:
    Believe in yourself and don't give up
engine什么意思    The biggest takeaway is the importance of self-belief, determination, and perseverance. The little engine didn't listen to the doubters or let her small size hold her back. She drew strength from her unwavering credo of "I think I can." Her positivity and grit in the face of adversity paid off in the end when she accomplished something few thought possible.
    This inspires me to always believe in myself, no matter how big the challenge or how sm
all I might feel. If I set my mind to a goal and keep working hard, I can make my biggest dreams come true through perseverance and refusing to quit. All it takes is maintaining that "I think I can" attitude.
    Don't make excuses
    I also learned from the bigger engines' negative example not to make lame excuses when the going gets tough. They could have pulled that train if they truly tried and didn't give up so easily with their "I can't do it" mentality. Making excuses is just a lazy way to avoid doing difficult things. It's much better to follow the little engine's lead and power through with optimism and tenacity.
    Help others in need
    Another lesson is about the importance of helping those in need whenever you can, just like the little engine helped bring essential supplies over the mountain to the kids on the other side. If she had been selfish and given up, those kids would have gone without food a
nd toys. Even if a task seems too big for one person, everyone should do what they can to improve lives and make a positive difference.
    Celebrate accomplishments
    Finally, the little engine teaches that it's okay to be proud and happily celebrate big accomplishments and milestone achievements when you've earned them through hard work. After such an uphill battle pulling that huge train, she had every right to loudly and proudly declare "I thought I could!" over and over. She triumphed over adversity through persistent effort, so why not relish that success and give yourself some kudos?
    So in conclusion, whenever I feel self-doubt, want to make excuses, or lose motivation, I just revisit the classic story of "The Little Engine That Could." Her timeless words of wisdom, humble hard work, and eventual sweet triumph over the mountain never fail to inspire me all over again. I'll keep chugging away with her signature "I think I can!" spirit to achieve my biggest dreams, just like she did.
    My Favorite Short Story and What I Learned
    Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to tell you about my favorite short story and the important lessons I learned from it. The story is called "The Ant and the Grasshopper" and it's one of Aesop's famous fables.
    The story starts in the summer when an ant is working really hard, collecting grains of wheat from the fields. He is getting ready for the cold winter months when there won't be any food. While the ant is working, the grasshopper sees him and makes fun of him! The grasshopper asks, "Why are you working so hard? You should be singing, dancing and playing like me!"
    The ant replies, "I'm storing up food for the winter. You should do the same instead of playing all day." But the grasshopper just laughs and goes back to singing and playing with his friends.