  Share a word, opened for the autumn; Clouds scud across, graffiti art out of the blue sky; Luxuriant poplar, all past prosperity; Light fruit, the stretch harvest picture. Autumn, such as a leaf falling, write the finish unfinished psalms. And the Mid-Autumn festival, appeared at the psalms of end.Whenever the Mid-Autumn festival, the home will be put on a few box of moon cakes, the light sweet osmanthus sweet sweet greasy filled with moon cakes make most familiar smell in the air, the taste of the Mid-Autumn festival.Reunion is the flavor of the Mid-Autumn festival. Even if the work again busy and tired, even if the unit to far away from home, at that time the Mid-Autumn festival to, always can't help but put on a box of moon cakes in the month when l get home. Moon cakes or packaging exquisite banquet, or bulk bags of ordinary moon cakes, perhaps taste is very different, but that have what relation? It is
important to look forward to the reunion of the heart, longing for a family reunion together wish. In this way, even if again be bored with of moon cakes, will also be bored with the happy reunion The taste of missing is the Mid-Autumn festival. "Every festive holiday times" although this section of day, but "the festive" is always the same, wandering wandering outside, under the sway of rustling autumn wind, in a foreign land, of the moon, the moon is round is very bright, but ultimately not himself up and take notice of the moon, that is: white dew from tonight, that is home. So, anyway, that on the moon will reveal the feeling of cold and cheerless. Hand in photograph reflect, the lights behind the house a round of noisy sound into, more festive makes wandering at night times. Missing loved ones happy laughter, missing loved ones filar silk, care of thoughts in his heart, even in the air of bitter astringent taste of missing.Warmth is the flavor of the Mid-Autumn festival. Greening, the ancient family, a family sitting around a stone table, a child in the family crazy playing catch, to a moon cake, for a gift, tube he? As long as happy. Adults with her album, pointing to childhood photos, telling the story of the past, laughter from time to time and from time to time is silent, probably they are reliving a teenager once memories. The old m
an is not much interest in young people in the camp, they snuggled under the flower, peacefully with a smile, why do they laugh? Sigh again in a day of a full moon, or to see children and grandchildren so healthy safe and secure? In short, they are smiling, so for the sake of what is not important now. Dreaming of the moonlight, the family also laugh out of the warm flavor.It turns out that taste was such an enduring memories.When the light went by, much transformed, who had distinct pieces under the scour of years gradually fade, perhaps we never imagined that after many years, we will follow the one taste of password, cross layer cascade folds as the memories of heavy and complicated, as September chrysanthemum against an old beautiful moments. Is, therefore, we can relive once had the flavor, the flavor of the
  一字雁阵,拉开了金秋的帷幕;云卷云舒,涂鸦出蔚蓝的天穹;葳蕤的白杨,落尽昔日的繁华;淡淡的果香,舒展丰收的画卷。秋如一叶飘落,书写着余韵未尽的诗章。而中秋,便出现在这诗章的华丽尽头。  每逢中秋,家中都会摆上几盒月饼,那淡淡的桂花香夹杂着月饼的甜腻弥漫在空气中造成最熟悉的味道——中秋的味道。  团圆是中秋的味道。哪怕工作再忙再累,哪怕单位离家再远,一时中秋节至,总会忍不住提上一盒月饼在月升时赶回家。中秋节翻译
或是包装精致的宴会月饼,或是散装成袋的普通月饼,也许味道迥然不同,但那有什么关系呢?重要的是一颗期盼团圆的心,渴望一家人团团圆圆地聚在一起的心愿。这样,即使再腻的月饼,也会腻出幸福团圆的味儿来……  思念是中秋的味道。“每逢佳节倍思亲”虽然此节非彼节,但“思亲”总归是一样的,漂泊在外的游子,在瑟瑟秋风的吹拂下,望在异乡的月亮,月亮很圆很亮,却终究不是自己相看的月亮,道是:露从今夜白,月是故乡明。所以,不管怎么样,那头上月亮都会透露出冷清的感觉。身后万家灯火交相辉映,屋内觥筹交错的喧闹声声入耳,更使得夜幕下的游子倍思亲。思念亲人的音容笑貌,思念亲人的丝丝关怀,思念弥漫在他的心扉,就连苦涩的空气中也涩出思念的味儿来。  温馨是中秋的味道。桂花树下,古树庭中,一家人围坐在石桌旁,小孩子在庭中疯赶嬉戏,为了一个月饼,为了一个礼物,管他呢?只要快乐就好。成年人翻看着相簿,指着一张张孩提时的照片,述说着过去的故事,不时欢笑,不时沉默,大概他们又重历了一回少年往事吧。老人则没多大兴趣参与年轻人的阵营中,他们依偎在花树下,安详地笑着,他们为什么而笑呢?感叹又一年月圆的日子到了吗,还是看到子子孙孙如此健康平安而安心呢?总之,他们是笑着的,所以为了什么原因此刻也显得不重要了。如梦如幻的月光下,一家人倒也笑出了温馨的味儿来。  原来,味道竟是这样一种历久弥新的回忆。  当时光流逝,物是人非,那些曾经鲜明的片段在岁月