Application for Monastic Housing Repair Funding.
Section 1: Applicant Information.
Name of Monastery:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Section 2: Description of Housing Need.
住房申请书 Describe the specific housing unit(s) in need of repair.
Include the number of residents, living conditions, and any safety hazards.
Provide a detailed description of the necessary repairs, including estimated costs.
Section 3: Financial Situation.
Provide a detailed budget for the proposed repairs.
State the monastery's financial resources and any other sources of funding.
Explain how the monastery will cover any additional costs not covered by the repair grant.
Section 4: Impact of Housing Conditions on Monastic Life.
Describe how the current housing conditions impact the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the monks or nuns.
Explain how the proposed repairs will improve the monastic community's quality of life and ability to fulfill their religious duties.
Section 5: Commitment to Sustainability.
Outline the monastery's commitment to environmentally sustainable practices.
Describe any plans to incorporate sustainable materials or energy-efficient measures into the repairs.
Section 6: Support from the Local Community.
Provide evidence of support from the local community for the housing repair project.
This could include letters of support from local businesses, organizations, or individuals.
Section 7: Other Considerations.
State any other relevant information that may support the application.