    Application for Housing Subsidy for Career Establishment Employees.
    1. Personal Information.
    Name in English:
    Name in Chinese:
    ID Number:
    Contact Information: Phone Number, Email Address.
    2. Employment Information.
住房申请书    Position:
    Years of Service:
    3. Housing Situation.
    Current Housing Status: Owning/Renting/Other.
    Address of Current Residence:
    Monthly Rent/Mortgage Payment:
    Number of Bedrooms:
    Number of Bathrooms:
    Square Footage:
    4. Spouse/Family Information.
    Spouse's Name in English:
    Spouse's Name in Chinese:
    Spouse's Occupation:
    Number of Children:
    Ages of Children:
    5. Income Information.
    Monthly Salary:
    Other Sources of Income (if any):
    Amount of Other Income: