    ### 英文回答:
    Facing setbacks is an inevitable part of life. It's how we deal with these challenges that defines our character and shapes our future. Personally, I've encountered numerous setbacks throughout my life, ranging from academic failures to personal disappointments. However, each setback has taught me valuable lessons and allowed me to grow as an individual.
    One particular setback I faced was during my final year of college. I had been working tirelessly on my senior thesis project for months, pouring my heart and soul into research and writing. However, when I submitted my thesis for review, it was met with harsh criticism from my advisor. I felt crushed and defeated, questioning my abilities and the countless hours I had invested in the project.
    Instead of wallowing in self-pity, I chose to view this setback as an opportunity for growth. I
sought feedback from my advisor, asking for specific areas of improvement. I also reached out to peers and professors for additional support and guidance. Through perseverance and determination, I revised my thesis, addressing the critiques and strengthening my arguments.
    Ultimately, my revised thesis was well-received, and I successfully defended it with confidence. This experience taught me the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. It also reinforced the value of seeking feedback and support from others when faced with challenges.
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