祈使句变间接引语,通常将say改为ask 或tell、order等动词,构成ask(或tell或 do sth.结构
“Please open the window,”he said.
He asked me to open the window.
He said,“Don't do that again.”
He told me not to do that again.
Our teacher said,“Let's go boating together.”
Our teacher suggested going boating together.
Our teacher suggested that we (should) go boating together.
“Let her come with me, mother. I'll take good care of her.”said Tom.
Tom asked his mother to let her go with him and promised to take good care of her.
2) Let him(或them)表⽰“建议”时,其间接引语⽤应suggest + 动名词复合结构或suggest(或say)+宾语从句(从句谓语⽤should +动词原形)。
Mother said,“Let him go to school.”
Mother suggested his going to school.
Mother suggested that he (should) go to school.
4)Let's not单独⽤来回答⼀个肯定的建议时,其间接引语⼀般使⽤be against…或oppose the idea等短语
“Let's sell the old car and buy a new one,”said Peter.
“Let's not,”said Mary.
Peter suggested selling the old car and buying a new one,but Mary was against it.