人教新课标高一Unit 11 The Sound of The World
Unit 11 The Sound of The World
What’s.…like? What do you think of...?
How do you like.…? What/How about.…?
What’s your position on...? What’s your opinion of...?
How do you feel about.…?
It’s... . That’s a good idea.
I’m afraid I…
-How about going to the cinema?去电影院如何?
-l’m afraid I cant go with you.I have a lot of homework to do'
-What do you think of the book?你认为这书怎么样?
_It’s interesting.很有趣。
-What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?
Can I ask you for some advice? What can you suggest?
What can I do before。.。?
I suggest that... Maybe it would be better to.…
Personally, I think... from my point of view,I think.…
As far as I am concerned,…, I reckon(估计) that...
You should..。 You had better…
-I want to go there alone.What can you suggest?我想单独去那儿,你以为如何?
-I suggest that you should not go there alone,我建议你不要单独去那儿。
-What should we do to protect the rich soil?为了保护肥沃的土壤,我们该做什么?
-We should plant more trees.我们要多植树。
sample dialogues:
suggest的名词B: Hi, Xiao Yu. Can I ask you for some advice?
A: Sure. What's your problem?
B: You know I love dancing. I want to dance, but I am not sure what song I should play.
A: Hmm. Well. do you want to dance to a slow song or a fast song?
B: A fast song, I think. I like to move around.
A: In that case, I think it would be better to play a pop song. There arc many pops songs that are
fast and fun to dance to.
B: Good idea! But Iherc are so many pop stars, which song should I choose?
A: How about I Have Nothing by Cai Jian?
B: OK, 1'11 try that one. Thank you.
A: You're welcome. Oh, by the way, may I dance with you?
2 A: Hi, this is John. Mike told me that you needed somc advice.
B: Hi, John. I am so glad you called. Yes, I do need your advice. The class has asked me to pick a special song that will represent our class. It has to be a song lhat everybody likes and that shows the spirit of our class. Can you help me?
A: Hmm, that sounds difficult, bul I'll try. First of all, let's think about what kind of music your classmates like.
B: Well, many students like hip-hop. Maybe we should pick a hip-hop song?
A: OK. What about the lyrics? What should the song be about?
B: I suggest it should be about peace and friendship.
A: Great. Let's ask Doris if she knows any good songs.
II.Key points
1.listening and speaking
1>practising giving advice and making suggestions.
◆Practice. vi/vt 实践;练习
[注意]practise doing sth 练习做某事
[举例]Whenever possible,we should practice speaking English.
After he practiced hard for one month, he made great progress in oral English.
◆practice n. 练习;实践
eg. Practice makes perfect.
◆practical a. 实际的;实用的
eg. The ordinary school cannot give much practical training in living, because most of the students time is spent in classes, studying lessons.
◆practiced a. 熟练的;精通的
eg.It needs a lot of tie and diligence in order to have a practiced skill. suggestion
[搭配]make/give some suggestions
◆suggest vt.建议(后接动名词短语或宾语从句); 暗示
[注意]建议的内容在以suggestion的同位语从句,表语从句等以及suggest的宾语从句形式出现时,从句用虚拟语气形式. 其基本构成为should+动词原型,should可省略.
[举例]My suggestion is that we should add some sand to the soil.
We suggested the work be done at once.
I suggest holding a meeting to discuss the problem.
2>Where do you think the music comes from?你认为送音乐来自何处?
◆do you think为插人语,类似动词常见的有know,believe,suppose等。如:
①When do you suppose they’ll be back?你认为他们会在什么时候回来?
②What do you think I should do then?你认为我应当怎样做呢?
③What do you believe has happened to him?你认为他出了什么事?
④What do you suppose should be done to people who are caught stealing?
⑤Choose the one answer(A、B、C or D)which you think is correct in the following sentence在下列句子里选择一个你认为正确的答案。
Take turns asking for and giving advice
◆advice为不可数名词,可用some,much,a little,a piece of,pieces of等修饰,不能说an advice或many advices,与advice搭配的动词有give(提出),ask for(征求)等,表示“有关……的建议”,可用介词on接名词,代词或由疑问代词,疑问副词引导的不定式。如:
①Mr Smith gave us some good advice on the study of physics.