Dearleaders and school fellows, good morning, today my speech is Be a friend ofgood books and enjoy reading!
Books are the ladders of human progress. A life without a book is likethe earth without sunshine. Reading is the foundation of our growth, reading isthe beginning of a wonderful life. Many great men in history are our rolemodels .
Premier Zhoustudied for a rising China. while Chairman Mao loved reading all his life.Whether it was in wartime or in peacetime, Chairman Mao would spare some timereading.He also made some comments where is necessary. When Luxun was young, hechewed hot peppers to keep from the cold. The world famous writer Gao erji onceread the books by moonlight on the top of the roof. The obsession with books,finally made him the masters of world literature. As gorky said books make meinto a happy man. Bing Xin said: Reading is good, read more books andread often.
In theschool opening ceremony, Mr Li called on us to read, to explore and to research.In order to encourage students to read more, a variety of activities have beencarried out, such as sharing a good book with your parents and writing feelsfor them. Liu Junkai ‘s father from Class 3 Grade said in his reading notes,thanks to these meaningful reading activities, I began to realize theimportance of reading for a child, and I would like to help my son form acorrect reading habits from now on .
Thepleasure of reading brings us the most permanent power. Reading brings us peaceof mind, spiritual comfort. The classic verses will let us full of wisdom. Thehistorical documents will make us be well versed in both ancient and modern literature,the popular science books help us to be thoughtful.
Myschoolmates, knowledge can change fate. Learning achieves future. We hopeeveryone will be a friend of good books and enjoy reading. Why not startreading now? Let the books infiltrate the campus.
That’sall. Thanks for listening.
Honourable judges, ladies and gentlemen,
Good afternoon! Today I would like to talk about the importance of keeping optimistic. When we encounter difficulties in life, we notice that some of us choose to bury their heads in the sand. Unfortunately, however, this attitude will do you no good, because if you will have no courage even to face them, how can you conquer them? Thus, be optimistic, ladies and gentlemen, as it can give you confidence and help you see yourself through the hard times, just as Winston Churchill once said, “An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.〞
Ladies and Gentlemen, keeping optimistic, you will be able to realize, in spite of some hardship, there’
s always hope waiting for you, which will lead you to the ultimate success. Historically as well as currently, there are too many optimists of this kind to enumerate. You see, Thomas Edison is optimistic; if not, the light of hope in his heart could not illuminate the whole world. Alfred Nobel is optimistic; if not, the explosives and the prestigious Nobel Prize would not have come into being. And Lance Armstrong is also optimistic; if not, the devil of cancer would have devoured his life and the world would not see a 5-time winner of the Tour De France.
A rose may be beautiful, or maybe not; that depends on your attitude only, and so does success,
so does life. Hindrances and difficulties do exist, but if you are optimistic, then they are only episodes on your long way to the throne of success; they are more bridges than obstacles! Now I prefer to end my speech with the great British poet Shelley’s lines: “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?〞Thank you!
下午好!今天我想谈一谈保持乐观的重要性. 我们注意到,当在生活中遇到困难时,我们中的有些人选择逃避它们.但令人遗憾的是,这样的态度对你没有任何好处,因为如果你连面对它们的勇气都没有的话,你怎么去征服它们呢?因此,乐观起来吧,女士们、先生们,因为它会带给你信心,帮助你渡过难关.正
Never Give Up
“If I could reach higher, just for one moment to touch the sky…〞---this is from my favorite song Reach.
When we are appreciating the passionate melody of Gloria Estefan, we could hardly imagine that she could return to the stage after her paralysis. In the year 1990, this Cuban singer was knocked down in a traffic accident, and the doctor declared that she might never walk again. But Gloria did not give up and kept up constant exercising. Just one year after the disaster, she stood up again and presented this encouraging song at the Atlanta Olympics.
Whenever I think of Gloria, I can’t help recalling my memory seven years ago, when I first entered university. Naturally shy, ordinary looking, average scores in study, just like an ugly duckling, I seemed to be the least outstanding one in my class. And the successive failures in the beginning led me into despair. “Am I destined to take the back seat to others?〞Unwilling to submit to the fate, I paid more efforts on my study as well as many other activities, film dubbing, recital, drama… cause I just want to catch every little opportunity to prove myself. Constant effort yields sure success. Thanks to the competition, I received some awards and most of all, I gained the courage and confidence to face any difficulties in my life journey.
Life is just like farming, and what you can reap depends a lot on your sowing and dedication. Once you have a dream, don’t be hesitant. Your next difficult step may be the one to the top. Keep going forward, even in the toughest time, and never give up.
Hold Fast To Your Dreams
I have a dream today.
I have a dream that one day every vally shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.
Wow, what a dream it has been for Martin Luther King. But the changing world seems telling me that people gradually get their dreams lost somehow in the process of growing up, and sometimes I personally find myself saying goodbye unconsciously to those distant childhood dreams.
However, we meed dreams. They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Most successful people are dreamers as well as ordinary people who are not afraid to think big and dare to be great. When we were little kids, we all dreamed of doing something big and splashy, something significant. Now what we need to do is to maintain them, refresh them and turn them into reality. However, the toughest part is that we often have no ideas how to translate these dreams into actions. Well, just start with concrete objectives and stick to it. Don’t let the nameless fear confuse the eye and confound our strong belief of future. Through our talents, through our wits, through our endurance and through our creativity, we will make it.
Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. Hold fast to
dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field frozen with snow. So my dear friends, think of your old and maybe dead dreams. Whatever it is, pick it up and make it alive from today.
然而,我们是需要梦想的.梦想滋养我们的灵魂,梦想代表着我们被现实拉垮时依然具有的希望.它鼓励我们不断前进.大多数成功人士都是梦想家,同时也是普通人,只是他们敢于梦想敢于成就伟大.当我们还是孩子的时候,我们都梦想过做一番大事业,现在应当做的就是保存好那些梦想,再度恢复它们,并将它们实现.不过最难的是我们通常不知道怎样付诸实施.那么,就从体的目标开始,坚持去做吧.不要让那些莫名的恐惧迷惑了我们的双眼,影响了我们对未来的信念.用我们的天资和智慧,用我们的耐力和创造力,我们一定会实现梦想. 抓牢你的梦想,因为如果梦想死亡,生活就成了一只折断翅膀的鸟再也不能飞翔.抓牢你的梦想,因为如果失去梦想,生命就成了一块覆盖着冰雪的贫瘠的冻土.亲爱的朋友们,想想那些过去的或已经死去的梦想吧.不管是什么,重新将它捡起,并从今天开始让它重生.
Most people would like to be popular with others,but not everyone can achieve this goal. What is the secret to popularity? In fact,it is very simple. The first step is to improve our appearance. We should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well. When we are healthy and well-groomed,we will not only look better but also feel better. In addition,we should smile and appear friendly. After all,our facial expression is an important part of our appearance. If we can do this,people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.
Another important step is developing more consideration for others. We should always put others first and place their interests before our own. Its also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable enough to confide in us. However,no matter what we do,we must not gossip. Above all,we must remember to be ourselves,not phonies. Only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. If we can do all of the above,I am sure popularity will come our way.