    I remember the feeling of nostalgia that "背影" and "秋天" evoke. "背影" is a classic Chinese essay written by 朱自清, and it talks about the author's father's silent love and sacrifice for him. The essay is filled with deep emotions and paints a vivid picture of the father's figure walking away. Similarly, "秋天" is a season that often brings about a sense of melancholy and longing. The falling leaves, the cool breeze, and the fading daylight all contribute to the bittersweet feeling of nostalgia.
    When I think of "背影," I can't help but recall my own father's sacrifices and love for me. Just like the father in the essay, my dad has always been quietly supportive and selfless. His actions speak louder than words, and I am filled with gratitude and longing when I think of him.
    As for "秋天," it reminds me of the changing seasons and the passage of time. The beauty
of autumn leaves and the crisp air make me reflect on the transient nature of life. It's a time for introspection and reminiscing about the past.
    我记得“背影”和“秋天”所唤起的怀念之情。 “背影”是朱自清写的一篇经典散文,讲述了作者父亲对他的无言的爱和牺牲。这篇文章充满了深切的情感,栩栩如生地描绘了父亲的身影。同样,“秋天”是一个常常引起忧郁和渴望的季节。落叶、凉爽的微风和渐渐消逝的阳光都增添了一丝苦乐参半的怀念情怀。