1, the teacher, no matter where I go, will alway remember your love, your word, your love, remember that I wa a flower of you, and now I am your fruit!
2, point a heart lamp, you are young for my bright direction; prinkle a cavity enthuiam, you dedication to the caue of education paion。 Thankgiving Day, I wih my dear teacher happy well-being, happy and boundle!
3, male teacher, race lion; female teacher, race Shi Shi。 Teach u truth-eeking and pragmatic, eeking truth from fact! I wih teacher are alway happy, everything goe well, loved by generation of repect!
6, ten year of tree, a hundred year of tree, you are the oul of the engineer of the human; three hundred and ity line, the line ha your footprint。 Thankgiving i approaching, ble the teacher in good health, peache and plum all over the world!
8, you are the lighthoue, illuminate the direction of our advance; you are a rainbow, guide o
ur gorgeou life; you are rain, moiten our weak mind。 May all the teacher in the world, happy holiday!
10, hard to teach the road, a long tudent, the country builder, quietly hard work, hard for everyone, peach plump world, a year Thankgiving, ble you happy! Ble you health! Ble you happy!
12, point a heart lamp, illuminate the future of countle tudent; prinkle with enthuiam, gave birth to the fragrance of the garden peache and peache。 Thankgiving Day, the tudent wih you a happy holiday, and olemnly tell you: Thank you!
13, the podium, the dek ide, cold ummer to hed, little effort。 Pouring flower, broom peach, Chunhua Qiuhi, dedication of a incere。 Thank you for your teaching, I wih the teacher a happy holiday forever youth!
14, gold wind to end cool, moon ilver, the United State and chryanthemum fragrance, fruit fragrance, Thankgiving Day approaching, high inging teacher unforgettable, bleing teacher: two leeve breeze pirit cool, reult more than winning, wage rie every year
16, Thankgiving Day, to help my friend, met my fan, pleae eat my brother and iter, boat my talented and beautiful handome guy and other mentor friend ay: Thank you! Thank you happy!
18, Thankgiving Day to end a teacher "big houe", peace i brick, happine i tile, aupiciou i the door, wihful window, happy i the key, i willing to "big houe" with the teacher every day, I wih the teacher happy holiday!
19, regardle of hard work Yanhan, peach cooked Dan, Li cooked kill, flower eay to tree people difficult; Glen Flying i not general, poetry Manchu, painting Manchu, eloquent laughing Yan。 Teacher, wih you a happy holiday!
20, teacher for the country, peach Li Chengcai Dong Liang baby。 Teacher are an individual, a certain number, ditributed in every corner of the world, uch individual act a a mean of knowledge tranfer between generation of life。
1, your teaching, I engraved in the heart; your care, I appreciate the heart; your help, I thank in the heart。 Thank you, teacher。
2, taught a pring breeze, teacher grace like the ea deep, peach plump world, the declaration of the Quartet! I wih the teacher happy holiday, happy heart every minute, happily every day!
3, eat the gra, queeze the milk, aborb the un, pour oygen, teach the book, education i the people, thi i the elfle teacher, teacher are happy and happy, healthy。
4, you teach u philoophy, our thinking to trengthen the intenity! You have taught u, our life added color! Send the mot incere bleing Teacher' Day happy!
6, read the million book, read your noble feeling, line thouand of mile, undertand your elfle pirit, teacher, human oul engineer, teacher, I wih the world teacher happy holiday。
7, a chalk, a pair of glae, a pointer, a pile of book, a illy, never forget your lecture pilled aliva, not Gan Lu win i nectar。 Happy Teacher' Day!
8, pectrum of a teacher' praie ong to liten to you, write a lyric poem read to you to liten to a bleing of the meage ent to you to ee, teacher ection to, I wih you good health, work moothly!
9, recall the day campu trail, traight to the bright claroom, reading ound loud ear, it i important to have your guidance, we can every day up。 The teacher worked hard and the teacher ' day wa happy。
10, open the year of the folder, turn to 910 page。 Write a mi, end a bleing。 A grateful heart, never forget you。 I wih you a happy teacher day。