1. Hi,Chen Ling.
1. 嗨,陈凌.
2. Hi,Uncle.
2. 嗨,叔叔.
三年级英语小故事3. Wow,a new bike!
3. 哇,一辆新自行车!
4. It's a present for you.
4. 这是给你的礼物.
5. For me?Thank you,Uncle.
5. 给我的?谢谢,叔叔.
6. I like this bike.
6. 我喜欢这辆自行车.
7. Can you ride a bike?
7. 你会骑自行车吗?
8. Yes,I can.
8. 是的,我会.
9. Oh,she can ride it very well.
9. 哦,她骑的很好.
10. I can swim. Swim run ride a bike dance draw
10. 我会游泳. 游泳跑步骑自行车跳舞画画
11. Can you swim?
11. 你会游泳吗?
12. Yes,I can.
12. 是的,我会.
13. Can you ride a bike?
13. 你会骑自行车吗?
14. No,I can't.
14. 不,我不会.
15. Can you swim,Miss Bird?
15. 鸟小,你会游泳吗?
16. No,I can't,but I can fly.
16. 不,不会,但是我会飞.
17. Can you ride a bike?
17. 你会骑自行车吗?
18. No,I can't,but I can lay eggs.
18. 不,不会,但是我会下蛋.
19. Can you fly,Mr. Monkey?
19. 猴子先生,你会飞吗?
20. No,I can',but I can ride a bike.
20. 不,不会,但是我会骑自行车.
21. Fish can't fly.
21. 鱼不会飞.
22. 1.I can fly in the sky.
22. 我能在天上飞.
23. Can you,Little Kite?
23. 你能吗,小风筝?
24. Yes,I can fly,too.
24. 是的,我也能飞.
25. 2.I can sing.
25. 我会唱歌.
26. Can you,Little Bird?
26. 你会吗,小鸟?
27. Yes,I can.
27. 是的,我也会.
28. 3.I can lay eggs.
28. 我会下蛋.
29. Can you,Mr.Rooster?
29. 你会吗,公鸡先生?
30. No,I can't.
30. 不,我不会.
31. 4.I can ride a bike.
31. 我会骑自行车.
32. Can you,Little Monkey?
32. 你会吗,小猴子?
33. 5.I can run.
33. 我会跑.
34. Can you,Mr.Lion?
34. 你会吗,狮子先生?
35. Yes,I can run,too.
35. 是的,我也会.
36. Hi,Chen Ling.
36. 你好,陈玲.
37. Hi,Wang Tao.
37. 你好,王涛.
38. Tomorrow is my birthday.
38. 明天是我的生日.
39. Come to my party,please.
39. 请来参加我的生日聚会吧.
40. Let's buy a present for Sally.
40. 让我们为萨利买个礼物吧.
41. What about a doll?
41. 洋娃娃怎么样?
42. Good idea.
42. 好主意.
43. Let's buy a present for Sally.
43. 让我们为萨利买个礼物吧.
44. What about a kite?
44. 风筝怎么样?
45. Good idea.
45. 好主意.
46. Happy birthday,Sally!
46. 生日快乐,萨利!
47. This is a present for you.
47. 这是给你的礼物.
48. Open the present,Sally.
48. 打开礼物,萨利.
49. Wow,a beautiful doll?
49. 哇,好漂亮的洋娃娃.
50. Mom,let's buy a present for Sally.
50. 妈妈,我们为萨利买个礼物吧.
51. Good idea.
51. 好主意.
52. This is a present for you.
52. 这是给你的礼物.
53. It's a story book!
53. 这是本故事书
54. 1.Tomorrow is Betty's birthday.
54. 明天是贝蒂的生日
55. 2.Let's buy a present for Betty.