1. at, in, on
at 一般指小地方;in 一般指大地方或某个范围之内;on 往往表示“在某个物体的表面”。如:
He arrived in Shanghai yesterday. 他昨天到上海。
They arrived at a small village before dark. 他们在天黑前到达一个小村庄。
There is a big hole in the wall. 墙上有个大洞。
The teacher hung a picture on the wall. 老师把一幅画挂在墙上。
加入:in the tree(在树上,小鸟等),on the tree(长在树上,树叶,果实等)
2. over, above, on
over, on above 都可表示……上面,但具体含义不同。Over 表示位置高于某物,在某物的正上方,其反义词是underabove 也表示位置高于某物,但不一定在正上方,其反义词是below。前两者都无接触面。On 指两个物体表面接触,一个在另一的上面。例如
There is a bridge over the river. 河上有一座桥。
We flew above the clouds. 我们飞越云层。
They put some flowers on the teacher's desk. 他们把一些花放在讲桌上。
3. under, below
There is a cat under the table.below反义词桌子下面有一只猫。
4. across, through
across through 均可表示从这一边到另一边,但用法不同。Across 的含义与 on 有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行,或横穿。Through 的含义与 in 有关,表示动作是在立体空间进行。例如:
The dog ran across the grass. 狗跑过草地。
The boy swam across the river. 那男孩游过河。
They walked through the forest. 他们穿过森林。
I pushed through the crowds. 我挤过人。
5. in front of, in the front of
in front of 表示在某人或某物的前面,在某个范围以外;in the front of 表示……的前部,在某个范围以内。例如:
There are some tall trees in front of the building. 大楼前有一些高大的树。
The teacher is sitting in the front of the classroom. 老师坐在教室前面。
6. among, between
两者都含有……中间的意思。 一般说法是:among 用于三者或三者以上之间,而 between 则用于两者之间。例如:
I bought three hundred eggs and there was not a single bad one among them. 我买了三百鸡蛋,里面一个坏的也没有。
What's the difference between Asian elephants and Africa elephants? 亚洲象和非洲象的区别是什么?
7. next to
The teacher is sitting next to me. 老师正坐在我旁边。
8. inside, outside
He goes inside/outside the house. 他走进/走出房子。
9. behind
The ball is behind the door. 球在门背后。
10. on the left(左边),on the right(右边)
11. beside“在……旁边”