In the movie 2012, the volcano(火山)in Yellowstone National Park  erupts(爆发),  smoke flies thousands of meters into the air, and car-sized pieces of stone and ash fly out.
Now, some scientists say, it’s very possible that the Yellowstone volcano will soon erupt in r  86  life for the fourth time in history, after about 640,000 years. According to the Daily Mail, the volcano in the Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, US, has been rising at a record rate since 2004. Its magma (岩浆) surface has gone u  87  3 inches (7.6 centimeters) per year over the last three years alone. This rise is one of the main s  88  that a volcano is about to erupt. However, scientists are not certain when the eruption will happen or what it will cause.
Unlike what happens in the movie 2012, a volcano eruption would not destroy the whole worl
d, b  89  it could cause huge damage to people living nearby. For example, the 2010 eruption of the Iceland Volcano caused more than 800 people to l  90  their homes and many airports in European countries to shut down for a few days.
There are more than 1, 500 active volcanoes in the world. A volcano is c  91  active  if it has erupted at least once during the last 10, 000 years. In ancient times, more than 80 percent of the earth’s surface was volcanic. Volcanic eruptions formed the sea floor and some mountains over many years. Gas from volcanoes formed the earth’s atmosphere(大气).
Volcanoes come from very hot liquid rock, that is magma, inside the earth. When magama comes upward and breaks through the earth’s surface, it forms volcanoes.
The rising magma heats water, which leads to explosions of steam. This pushes rocks and ash high into the sky. T  92  different things erupt from a volcano: hot liquid rock, volcanic ash and gases.
As we know, museums are buildings where many valuable and important objects are kept so mat people can go and see them. For example, art museums are places where people can learn about d__86____kinds of cultures. More and more popular "design museums" that are opening today, however, performquite a different role. Unlikemost museums, the design museum shows objects that are e__87____foundin bur daily life, such as fridges and washing machines.
The advantage of design museums is mat they are places where people feelf 88     with the exhibits. Being different from the art museum visitors, design museum visitors s  89   feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products(批量产品) work and look as they do, and how design has i  90   the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something beyond their understanding
Several new design museums have opened their doors in recent years. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy the public's growing i  91   in the fieldwith new ideas. London's
DesignMuseum, forexample, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choices open to design museum seem m  92  less strict than those to art museum, and visitors may also sense(感觉到) the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive joys collected from our everyday life.
Anyone who has a dog as a pet will tell you why the dog is called 'man's best friend'. "They are loyal, funny and loving. They seldom complain and always o  86_    their owners," said Mary Smith of Washington D.C.
Doctors will also tell you that people who have dogs seem to be happier and healthier than those who live a 87    . One reason for this is that people with dogs lead more active lives. Who can say no to a lovely dog when he pulls on your arm and asks yon to take him for a walk?
Dogs are really amazing animals. They not only offer emotional (情感的) support but also p __ 88   great help for humans. Think about guide dogs for blind people, or dogs that help people in wheelchairs.
However, it is the emotional side of owning a dog that has been studied in detail by Dr Julie Davis of Chicago University. "B_  89   every dog lover there is a story," says Dr. Davis. "Why do people love their dogs so much? if you hear their stories, it's not difficult to understand why. "
Dr. Davis has studied the r    90   between dogs and people for the last ten years. "I have spoken to people in parks, pet stores, and veterinary (兽医的) offices, as well as stopping people in the street. I have interviewed office workers and farmers, policemen and construction workers," says Dr Davis. "E   91   wants to talk about their dogs. Many people said they cried much more when their dogs died than when their parents did. They said the sadness was much d_  92  _ . People are finding animals are more reliable than human beings. People tell me all the time that they get more emotional support from their dogs than they do from their husbands or wives."
I didn't cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled (残疾的)child.
"Go ahead and cry," the doctor advised kindly, but I couldn't cry then, nor during the days that followed.