Ancient poetry, as a carrier of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, is the crystallization of the wisdom of literati and scholars for thousands of years. It is also an indispensable part of the current junior middle school Chinese teaching. A variety of teaching methods and great efforts have been paid. However, there are still some problems in the current teaching of ancient poetry in junior high school, so we cannot stop the pace of exploration.
"Poetics" is Zhu Guangqian's unique poetic works, which embodies the essence of his research on poetry. The viewpoints in the book are at a certain theoretical level and can provide appropriate methods and approaches for the teaching of ancient poetry.Making the most of its value for the past and the present can not only help to develop students' appreciation of poetry, but also strengthen their literary cultivation. At the same time, it can make teachers and students more poetic, understand poetics, and truly exert the charm of ancient poetry.
This article summarizes the four main poetic viewpoints of Zhu Guangqian's "Poetics" in "Poetics", "image", "poetic context", and "tempo", and discusses the practical significance of its application to ancient poetry teaching in junior middle school, that is, to cultivate students' aesthetic Taste and literary interest; improve teachers' theoretical
literacy, increase the depth and breadth of poetry appreciation classes; use poetic context to promote the development of poetry aesthetic education.Taking this as a guide, based on the experience of ancient poetry teaching of predecessors, it puts forward the inspiration of its application, and elaborates the effective strategies generally applicable to ancient poetry teaching in junior middle school: multi-dimensional interpretation through methods such as understanding the world and comparing appreciation. Reproduce the interest of ancient poetry; fully mobilize association and imagination, accumulate common images, and guide students to deeply appreciate the language and beauty of poetry; teachers should design scenes to create poetic contexts, stimulate students' interest in learning, and encourage students to imitate poetic context Write; guide students to repeat the reading, eliminate the gap with the text, and master the rhythm of poetry.
Zhu Guangqian's poetic perspectives in Poetics can enrich the existing research results of ancient poetry teaching and provide teachers with some new methods and ideas suitable for ancient poetry te
aching in junior middle school. Teaching has great practical significance.
KEY WORDS: Zhu Guangqian, Poetics, Chinese for junior high school, Ancient poetry, Applied Research
绪论 (1)
(一)选题的缘起及意义 (1)
(二)文献综述 (1)
(三)研究思路及方法 (5)
一、朱光潜《诗论》的主要观点 (7)
(一)读者对诗歌的再创造需蕴含“情趣” (7)
(二)诗歌意象世界的生成就是一种创造 (9)
(三)理想的“诗境”是情趣与意象的完美融合 (11)
(四)诗的生命形式在于音律 (13)
二、《诗论》在初中语文古代诗歌教学中的价值 (16)
(一)以诗境促进诗歌美育发展的整体水平 (18)
(二)借用《诗论》观点提高教师自身的诗歌理论素养 (17)
现代诗歌鉴赏(三)培养学生审美情趣及文学趣味 (18)
三、《诗论》主要观点在初中语文诗歌教学中的应用策略 (22)
(一)多维度解读诗歌以培养学生“情趣” (22)
(二)通过意象的把握深入体会诗歌 (26)
(三)在抓住教学关键点的基础上把握“诗境” (31)
(四)以诵读教学为核心把握诗歌音律 (33)