Everyone has some unforgettable experiences.
Last Monday, there was a serious earthquake in Sichuan Province. Many people were killed. A large number of houses collapsed. I was shocked. When I see theses pictures on TV, my eyes were filled with tears. I wanted to do something for people in the disaster areas. Two days later, in front of the library of our school, almost all of the teachers and students came to donate money. I was moved. I thought although I couldn’t go to Sichuan like the soldiers and the doctors, I still wanted to try my best to help them. I took out all my pocket money and threw it into the donation box. I hope they can rebuild their homeland early. It will be an unforgettable experience in my life. It makes me experience that if everyone makes a contrib
ution for our country, we can overcome any difficulties. ------------ 地震引发的思考:众人拾柴火焰高
1 如何理解众人拾柴火焰高 2 举例说明 All Contributing to it, the flame is high “All Contributing to it, the flame is high” is an old proverb which almost everyone knows, but not all understand it so well. Actually, it means that there is strength in numbers. Put it simply, individual’s power and ability is too weak to perform a huge task. However, just as a number of streams converge into a vast ocean, so a team’s strength may be great enough to remove a mountain. The saying also carries the message that cooperation and coordination are necessary, particularly in the modern society. To be sure, everybody has his own disadvantage and limited wisdom. Combining efforts can overcome this and make it possible to realize one’s own greatest potential. It is therefore that efficiency and capacity are enhanced in this manner. Thus,something can be achieved which seems otherwise impossible.
The most notable example is Boeing plane production. A plane is composed of 10,000 part
s. But almost every part is produced by different country, then assembled by American. This is impossible without coordination.
Indeed, where there is a unity, where there is victory.
1为了支援四川地震灾区,学生会组织全体同学进行捐款捐物; 2. 捐款金额不限,物资主要需要衣服、棉被、手电等; 3. 活动、时间地点
4. 所捐钱款和物资将会上交给中国红十字基金会(Chinese Red Cross Foundation)
Dear all students,
In order to support earthquake-stricken areas in Sichuan, Student Union intends to organize a Donation Program and expects donation from all of you.
You can donate money or materials. If you would like to donate money, please put your money into the donation box at the entrance to Teaching Building One. Two volunteer stude
nts are available there to offer help if necessary. If you would like to donate clothes, quilts or others, please bring them to our stand in front of the college canteen. The Donation program will be held between 11:00 and 14:00, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. All the donated money and materials will be collected in order and submitted to Chinese Red Cross Foundation as soon as possible.
On behalf of Student Union, we formally call on all students to make contribution and help people in earthquake areas rebuild their home and restore their normal life.
Student Union
-------- 灾区慰问信 1 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to children in earthquake-stricken areas. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1.
表示慰问和关心:如身体状况,家庭状况 2.
Ruthless as the disaster is, people from all over the country show great concern for you. A large number of PLA came to rescue you, your family and friends; countless doctors and nurses came to offer first aid; and numerous volunteers came to offer their hands. For all the above help, please try your best to come out of any possible depression and work hard academically. In fact, many famous people achieved success after great defeat or personal disaster. For example, Beethoven is totally deaf but he composes quite a lot of famous pieces; another example is Zhanghaidi, who is disabled but wrote her own book and inspired a generation of Chinese people. So, as long as you overcome your current difficulties, you are sure to succeed in future.
2 你的同学liming的父母得知你家房屋在地震中倒塌,写信邀请你暑假随同liming 回家。你写一封回信1表示感谢2告知你的打算 Dear Aunt,
I would like to thank you very much for your cordially invitation that I go together with Liming back to you home during the summer vacation. And it is very kind of you to have such consideration for my situation at the terrible period of my life. But I am afraid that I will not go to stay with you.
It is true that my house collapsed during the earthquake. I have no place to live for the time being. But at the thought of thousands of homeless people, I am determined to make use of my vacation to be a volunteer in the distressed area. I hope I can comfort those who are more unfortunate than me, or I can temporarily teach primary school students, even I can use my body and strength to be a construction worker. Anyway, I will go there to see if I can be of assistance in whatever way.