1.She ______ her______every evening at home.
A.does;homework    B.does;homeworks
C.do;homework    D.do;homeworks
2.Is it a picture_________ your school?
A.of    B.to    C.and    D.with
3.There are two________ near our school.
A.shoe shops    B.shoes shops    C.shoe's shops    D.shoes' shops
4.—Do _________ like going to ___________?
—I don’t know.
A.woman teachers, clothes shops    B.women teachers, clothes shops
C.woman teachers, sport shops    D.women teachers, vegetables shops
5.There is a______ shop and two_______ shops not far away from my school.
A.sports; shoe    B.sports; shoes
C.sport; shoe    D.sport; shoes
6.This is Mary and that is Kate.______ my______.
A.She's; friend    B.They're; friends    C.They're; friend
7.—What does your mother have for dinner?
A.Chickens and tomato    B.Chicken and tomatoes.    C.Chicken and tomato.
8.These are some photos of ________ bedroom. What a tidy and comfortable room!
A.Jerry’s and Jenny’s    B.Jerry and Jenny’s    C.Jerry’s sand Jenny
9.Here_______some of the results. Most students think_______are cheaper than cars.
A.is; the bike    B.are; bikes
C.are; the bike    D.is; bikes
10.Peter would like a bowl of ________noodles.
A.tomato and egg    B.tomato and eggs
C.tomatoes and eggs    D.tomatoes and egg
11.The computer is _______________.
A.Amy's and Lily's    B.Amy and Lily    C.Amy's and Lily    D.Amy and Lily's
12.________the________Mike’ s and Jack’s?
A.Is, rooms    B.Are, room    C.Are, rooms    D.Is, room
13.Here__________.You can see me in it.
A.are two photos of my family    B.is my family
C.is a photo of my family    D.are my family photos
14.—These days, more and more kids have problems with their sight.
— They should do eye________and take________every day.
A.exercises; exercises    B.exercises, exercise
C.exercise. exercises    D.exercise, exercise
15.—May I take your order,sir?  —________.
A.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rices
B.Chicken with vegetables and two bowls of rice
C.Chickens with vegetable and two bowl of rices
D.Chickens with vegetables and two bowls of rices
16.—Is that your schoolbag?
—No, it isn’t. It’s _____.
A.her.    B.Bob’s    C.Bob    D.him
网络起名大全17.There are many ________ animals in the zoo. I like pandas best. Because they are ________ cute.
A.kind of; kinds of    B.kind of; kind of    C.kinds of; kinds of    D.kinds of; kind of
18.Animals are our ________, and we should be ________ to them.
A.friend; friendly    B.friends; friendly    C.friendly; friends    D.friendly; friend
19.These   aren’t   .They’re my brother’s.
A.pen;mine    B.pens;mine
C.pen;my    D.pens;my
A.Does; has; foot    B.Does; have; feet    C.Do; have; foots
小松鼠的故事21.This zebra is an ______ animal. It lives in ______ now.
A.Africa; Africa    B.African; Africa
C.Africa; African    D.African; African
22.Is that your ________?
A.a picture    B.photos    C.photoes    D.picture
23.He has over 20 years teaching ________. I bet he is quite________.
A.experience; experience    B.experience; experienced
C.experienced; experience    D.experienced; experienced
24.—How far is it from here to the hospital? —It’s about      ride.
A.fifteen minute’s    B.fifteen minutes
C.fifteen minutes’    D.fifteen-minutes
h福利25.In fact (事实上), she ________  ________ many  ________.
A.doesn’t has; toies    B.don’t has; toies    C.doesn’t have; toys    D.don’t have; toys
本题考查介词。of……的;to向;and而且;with和……一起。a picture of一张……的照片,此处在询问这是不是一张关于你学校的照片,故选A。
名词作定语的短语变复数时,一般只变化中心词。例如shoe shop鞋店,复数形式是shoe shops。
但当 man和woman作定语修饰名词时,变复数时,需要两个名词都变复数。例如man doctor男医生,复数形式是men doctors;woman cook女厨师,复数形式是women cooks。
考查名词作定语和名词的数。woman teacher:女老师,复数是women teachers,当man或woman作定语修饰名词,变为复数时,man或woman与后面的名词同时变为复数,可知
排除A和C;clothes shops:服装店;sports shops:体育用品店;vegetable shops:蔬菜店;可知D中的vegetables shops表达错误;故选B。
名词作定语:(1)通常用单数名词定语:a shoe factory;(2)“数词+名词”作定语,其中的名词使用单数:an 11-year-old daughter;(3)man和woman用作名词前作定语时,其单复数形式与所修饰的名词的单复数形式一致:a man doctor,some men doctors; (4)有些名词只有复数形式,用于某种意义时,习惯于用复数,用在定语时,只能用复数:a sports game,clothes line。
sports 运动;shoes鞋,复数;shoe鞋,单数。sports shop运动商店,固定短语;shoe shop鞋店,shoe是名词做定语,故用单数形式,变复数时,只需要shop变复数,shoe不变。故选A。