Becoming Educated Barbara Jordan
In this autobiographical excerpt from Barbara Jordan:A Self-Portrait (1979),Jordan narrates her learning experience in Boston University that leads to a real insight into the true meaning of education.
So I was in Boston University in this new and strange and different world,and it occurred to me that if I was going to succeed at this strange new adventure, I would have to read. I felt that, in order to compensate for what I had missed in earlier years,I would have to work harder, and study longer, than anybody else. I still had this feeling that I did not want my colleagues to know what a tough time I was having understanding the concepts, the words, the ideas, the process. I did not want them to know that. So I did my reading not in the law library, but in a library at the graduate dorm, upstairs where it was very quiet, because apparently nobody else there studied. So I would go there at night after dinner. I would load my books under my arm and go to the library, and I would read until the wee hours of the morning and then go to bed. I did not get much sleep during those years. I was lucky if I got
three or four hours a night, because I had to stay up. I had to. The professors would assign cases for the next day, and these cases had to be read and understood or I would be behind, further behind than I was.
I was always delighted when I would get called upon to recite in class. But 
the professors did not call on the "ladies" very much. There were certain favored people who always got called on, and then on some rare occasions a professor would come in and would announce:""We are going yo have Ladies Day today." And he would call on the ladies.We were just tolerated.We were not considered really top drawer when it came to the study of the law.
护士节短信At some time in the spring,Bill Gibson,who was dating my new roommate, Norma Walker, organized a black study group,as we blacks had to form our own.This was because we were not invited into any of the other study groups.There were six or seven in our group-Bill,and Issie,and I think Maynard Jackson-and we would just gather and talk it out and hear ourselves do that.One thing I learned was that you have to talk out the issues,the facts,the cases,the decisions,the process.You could not just read the cases and study alone in your library as I had been doing;and you could not get it all in the classroom.But
once you had talked it out in the study group,it flowed more easily and made a lot more sense.
In the past I had got along by spouting off. Whether you talked about debates or oratory,y
电脑排风扇ou dealt with speechifying.Even in debate it was pretty much canned because you had,in your little three-by-five box,a response for whatever issue might be raised by the opposition.The format was structured so that there was no opportunity for independent thinking.(I really had not had my ideas challenged ever.) But I could no longer orate and let that pass for reasoning. Because there was not any demand for an orator in Boston University Law School.You had to think and understand and reason.I had learned at twenty-onethat you could not just say a thing is so because it might not be so,and somebody brighter,smarter,and more thoughtful would come out and tell you it was not so.Then,if you still thought it was,you had to prove it.Well,that was a new thing to me.I cannot,I really cannot describe what that did to my insides and to my head.I thought:I am being educated finally.
银行基本户From The Thoughtful Reader,ed.Mary C.Fjeldstad,Thomson&Heinle,2002.
Classroom Notetaking Clarissa White
Konwing how to take lecture notes is an important skill to students because notetaking helps students keep up with the latest ideas and provoke further thinking over issues involved in a particular subject.In this essay,you are given some tips on how to take notes.
One reason you should take lecture notes is that lectures add to what you read in textbooks.Lectures combine the material and approaches of many texts,saving you the tr
ouble of researching an entire field.They keep up to date with their subjects and can include the latest studies or discoveries in their presentations,they need not wait for the next edition of the book to come out.They can provide additional examples or simplify difficult concepts,making it easier for you to master ticky material.And the best lecturers combine knowledge with expert showmanship.Both informative and entertaining speakers,they can make any subject,from ancient civilizations to computers,leap vividly to life.