I. Term-matching (20 points, 1 point each) Match the terms in Column A with those in Column B. Give your answers on the Answer Sheet
Column A Column B
1. performance bond    a. 请回信
2. forwarding department    b. 不可抗力
3. coverage against breakage    c. 对照
4. high-flyer    d. 产品目录
5. antithesis    e. 特此
6. tycoon    f. 固定费率
7. goodwill g. 特许经营
8. flat rate h. 订单
9. catalog i. 有抱负的人
10. franchise j. 陈词滥调
11.tariff k. 善意
12. authorize    e. 大款
13. indent m. 空缺
14. force majeure n. 货运部
15. threadbare o. 关税
16. vacancy p. 履约保函
17. RSVP q. 投保破碎险
18. discerning r. 优化
19. optimize s. 授权
20. hereby t. 有眼力的
II. Multiple-choice (20 points, 2 points each) There are 10 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentences. Give your answers on the Answer Sheet.
21. Some people in a department store, where a customer can find them
A. prefer to working
商务英语写作B. prefer to works
C. prefer working
D.prefer work
22.It    a highly profitable business to those who possess the ability to participate
A. adds
B. adds to
C. adds up
D. added up to
23. Inflation is a process of steady rising prices,    a decrease of the purchasing power of a given normal sum of money.
A. resulting in
B. resulted in
C. resulting from
D. resulted fro
2020年1月商务英语写作试题和答案第 1 页共 7 页