BEC商务英语(高级)写作模拟试卷10 (题后含答案解析)
1. ? The graph below shows the turnover for three kinds of retail outlet, all owned by the same company, during a three-year period.? Using the information from the graph, write a short report comparing the changes in turnover in the companys three types of outlet.? Write 120-140 words.
正确答案:Sample A  The development of the turnover of FROZEN FOOD Ltd.  The following report describes the changes in turnover by type of retail sector over the three years periods 2000 to 2002.  In all three years the turnover made by supermarkets was the highest of all three retail outlets. Department stores remained the second greatest before small shops-outlets. The turnover reached by supermarkets increased steadily over the three years and was £80m in 2002. The turnover of department stores was£50m in 2000 but fell t
o £35m in 2001. In 2002 it remained steady to the previous year. After a loss in 2001, the small shops-outlets reached again a higher level but could not reach the £30m turnover of 2000.Band 3  All the content points are included and, despite minor grammatical errors and several lexical errors, there is reasonable control overall. It is a well-organised answer with an adequate range of language and fits the descriptors for band 3. 
2. Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.1. ? Your company recently sponsored a national event for the first time and your manager has asked you to write a report on this.? Write your report for your manager, including the following information: ? a brief description of the event ? which aspects of the event were particularly successful and why ? the benefits to the company of sponsoring the event ? what needs to be done before considering further sponsorship.
正确答案:Sample CReport on the first Dell-sponsored Bol d Or CupIntroduction  The aim of this report is to summarize our first Bol d Or Cup and to demonstrate its benefits for our
company.Findings  There are four key findings which will be developped in this report: the description of the event, the aspects which were successful, the benefits we took and the further needs in this branch. The Bol d Or Cup usually takes place in Geneva in june every year. The most beautiful and the most recent boats are competing there to gain marvellous prices. There are only sailing boats that attend this Cup and this is always a good occasion to see the last innovations.  Dell decided for the first time to sponsor this event: every boat had the Dell logo and a lot of gifts were offered: computers, notebooks, printers, webcams etc. We had invited our most important customers to watch the boats, some of them competed as well as a sailing team. The account managers were present as well, they could link business and leisure, meet new contacts, which was very positive for both.  Everybody was very satisfied with this event and of course with Dells participation. It brought us an increasing awareness on the market and gave us a positive image of a motivated and engaged manufacturer. We want to go on on sponsoring this event but we have to consider the future costs for next year even if the first event was a real success.Conclusion  Its clear that Dells first sponsorship of the Bol d商务英语写作’Or Cup was positive:
better awareness of the brand, interesting meetings. But the cost of this type of event is high and therefore needs to be measured for the future.Band 3  This is a good achievement of the task and a well-organised answer. However, the frequency of non-impeding errors keeps it at a band 3.