1.You are the Human Resources Manager of an insurance company. You want to arrange a 2-cay team building event with Team-Plus for eight sales staff.
Write a memo of 40-50 words to your assistant:
●  telling him to contact the provider
●  saying who and how long the event is for
●  suggesting two possible weekends for the event
Suggested answer
Could you please contact Team-Plus to organize a team-building event for sales staff? There would be eight participants and the course should last for two days. I suggest the weekend of 24/25 November or, if that is not possible, the following weekend.
2.You are Head of Personnel at a large international company. You have just appointed Ms Francesca Bianchi as the new Sales Manger at Head Office.
Write a memo of 40-50 words to Head Office staff:
●  announcing Ms Bianchis appointment
●  saying when she will start work
●  asking staff to give her a friendly welcome
Suggested answer
Dear all
I have the pleasure of announcing that Ms Francesca Bianchi has been appointed as the n
ew Sales Manager at Head Office. Ms. Bianchi is due to join us on Monday 17th. Please give her a friendly welcome when she starts work.
Thank you!
Susan Beck
3.You are the office manager at an insurance company. You have arranged for contractors to upgrade your computer system. This means the system will be shut down for a full day.
Write a memo of 40-50 words:
●  informing staff of the shutdown
●  telling them when it will happen
●  asking them to prepare alternative work for the day.
Suggested answer
Dear all
As you know we plan to upgrade our computer system. The system will be shut down all day on July 4th to allow for the upgrading work to be carried out. Could you please make sure that you have work which does not require a computer for this day?
Thank you!
Marie Santer
4.You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co. Your company has just merged with a competitor to become MasonGolding. You have been asked to informed staff of the change of name.
Write a memo of 40-50 words:
●  informing staff of the new name
●  telling them when to start using the new name
商务英语写作●  asking staff to use only the new name after that time
Suggested answer
Dear all
I would like to inform you that, following the recent merger with Mason and Son, the new name for our company will be MasonGolding. This name becomes official on July 2nd, 2021. Please note that from this time, the new company name only should be used.
Thank you!
5.You are the manager of a small office. In order to reduce costs and improve the companys environmental practices, you have decided to collect and recycle all paper used in the office.
Write a memo of 40-50 words:
●  informing staff of the new policy
●  explaining how the paper will be collected
●  requesting staff to co-operate with the scheme
Suggested answer
Dear all
Please note that from next Monday we are introducing an environmentally friendly scheme. All used paper from the office will be recycled. Used sheets should be placed in the green bin next to the photocopier for collection. All staff are asked for their full cooperation with this scheme.
Thank you!
6.You work in the Accounts Department and are responsible for checking employees expenses.
Write a memo of 40-50 words:
●  reminding them of the importance of receipts
●  telling them how expenses will be paid
●  saying how long expenses payments take to process
Suggested answer
To: all staff
From: Roger Hargreaves
Re: Expenses
May I remind all staff that you need to include receipts with all expenses claims. Claims will
not be accepted without receipts. Expenses are now all paid by cheque rather than in cash and it will take approximately two weeks to process each claim.
Thank you.
7.You work in the Human Resources Department.
Write a 40-50 word e-mail about staff appraisals to managers:
●  telling them when the appraisals should take place
●  asking them to send a copy of the appraisal report to you
●  reminding them to book an interview room if necessary
Suggested answer
To: all managers
From: Mandy Fort
Subject: Staff Appraisals
I would like to remind you that you should be holding your staff appraisals this month. Once you have completed them could you please send me a copy of each report? If you would like to use an interview room please remember to reserve it in advance.