①I have but one lamp by which my feed are guided. 我只有一盏指路明灯。
②It was so with the vast railroad yards with the crowded array of vessels she saw in the river. 火车站广阔场地,河里鳞次梯比船只,她也同样不能理解。
③Before following her in her round of seeking, let us look at the sphare in which her future was to lie. 我们暂且把她寻工作事搁下来不谈,先看一看她前途所寄予这个世界。
④...and the thread which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken ……而那些把她和少女时代以及家乡轻轻系住柔丝,不得不就此断绝了。
①The lungs are subjecd to several diseases which are treatable
by surgery. 肺易受几种疾病侵袭,但均可经手术。
②A little way on she saw a great door which, for some reason, attracted her attention. 又走了一些路,她观察一个大门,不知怎,引起了她留意。
③As a result, a hum of gossip was set going which moved about the house in that secret manner common to gossip. 结果就造成一阵闲谈,暗中在公寓里流传,闲谈一般都是如此。
④A will had been made which divide the small tax –eaten property equally among the remaining four, so that it was really of no interest to any of them. 遗嘱已立好,把这片快要给税吃光薄产平分给四个孩子,但谁都对此不感兴趣。
①At dimmer I found myself placed between Mrs. Bradly, and a shy drab girl who seemed even younger than the other. 席间,我发
②A writer--in fact every one of us in life--needs that loving-mother force from which all 一个作家——实际上生活中每个人——都需要慈母力气,它是制造一切源泉。
③Man possesses an expressive faculty that goes far beyond gestures, that allows and even compels him to express his thoughts, feedings, dreams, and inituitions. 人类具有远远超过于手势表达官能,这种官能不仅使人能够,而且使他要把思想、感情、幻梦、直觉表达出来。
He insisted on building another house which he had no use for.
①I think it will grow even on non-irrlgated land where there is a forest belt. 我想即使在没有浇灌土地上,只要有一条树林带,苜蓿还是会生长。(表条件)
②In a personed sense, I think of my eldest daughter, whose birthday is today. 就个人来讲,我想到我大女儿,由于今日是她生日。(表缘由)
①He paid that peculiar deferente to women which every member of the sex appreciates. 他对女性殷勤令每个女人所赏识。
②What were the hopes and dreams that had made of them the incredibly stubborn warriors?是什么盼望,什么目标,什么抱负使他们成为坚韧到令人难以置信战士呢?
翻译英语There be 句型和带定语从句复合句时,常用溶合法。溶合法就是把原主句主语同定语从句溶合在一起而译成独立句方法。溶合法要
求转变句子构造形式。详细作法是,将原主句词或词组用作独立句主语,再将定语从句用作谓语,这样便译成独立句,如①将He paid that peculiar deference to women 压缩译为“他对女性殷勤”而定语从句“which every member of the sex appreciates”译为谓“令每个女人所常识”。
①I also found on the ground near the tracks of the lamed groups of ants which were rulling grains of corn. 我还观察骆驼脚印边有很多蚂蚁在拖玉米粒。
②He did not find any one in the house who particularly cared to see. 他认为家里没有人特殊想知道。