新任国务卿布林肯2021年3月3日的演说,A Foreign Policy for the American People.
重点内容:美国的外交工作,一个中心,以美国和美国人民的利益为中心,两个支撑点,民主价值观和军事力量。八大优先事项中的四项--战胜疫情、重振经济、科技领先、能源革命,美中关系,与中国十四五规划及2035年远景目标重合度很高。对中国的定位是当今世界美国仅有的全方位的挑战力量,China is the only country with the economic,diplomatic,military,and technological power to seriously challenge the stable and open international system.与中国的关系应该是Our relationship with China will be competitive when it should be,collaborative when it can be,and adversarial when it must be.The common denominator is the need to engage China from a position of strength.
1、解释国务卿的工作职能My job is to represent the United States to the world,to fight for the interests and values of the American people.
2、未来四年的外交工作不同于4年前,战略和方法必须改变,需要重新认识,But this is a diff
erent time,so our strategy and approach are different.We’re not simply picking up where we left off,as if the past four years didn’t happen.We’re looking at the world with fresh eyes.但是仍要坚持不随时间改变的原则,Having said that,while the times have changed,some principles are enduring.一、One is that American leadership and engagement matter.美国的领导力和介入是关键,二、需要不同国家之间的合作,即使强大如美国也不能单独解决当今世界的挑战。we need countries to cooperate,now more than ever.
3、外交优先但军事力量也很关键。President Biden has pledged to lead with diplomacy because it’s the best way to deal with today’s challenges.At the same time,we’ll make sure that we continue to have the world’s most powerful armed forces.Our ability to be effective diplomats depends in no small measure on the strength of our military.
4、八大外交优先事项These are the eight top foreign policy priorities of the Biden administration.:一是战胜新冠疫情。First,we will stop COVID-19 and strengthen global health security.二是重振全球经济。Second,we will turn around the economic crisis and build a more stable,inclusive global economy.既要扭转当前的衰退,又要确保经济惠及更多
的美国人,国内政策和贸易政策都要服务这个目标。三是重塑民主价值。Third,we will renew democracy,because it’s under threat.美国要依靠榜样力量而不是军事力量We will use the power of our example.We will encourage others to make key reforms,overturn bad laws,fight corruption,and stop unjust practices.We will incentivize democratic behavior.如拜登在就职典礼的演说,we'll lead not merely by the example of our power but the power of our example.四是改革移民体系,Fourth,we will work to create a humane and effective immigration system.五是激活盟友关系,Fifth,we will revitalize our ties with our allies and partners.We’re always better off at the table,not outside the room.You should expect nothing less from your government.六是应对气候危机,Sixth,we will tackle the climate crisis and drive a green energy revolution.七是确保技术领先,Seventh,we will secure our leadership in technology.八是管理美中关系,And eighth,we will manage the biggest geopolitical test of the 21st century:our relationship with China.But the challenge posed by China is different.China is the only country with the economic,diplomatic,military,and technological power to seriously challenge the stable and open international system–all the rules,values,and relationships that make the world work the way we want it to,because it ult
imately serves the interests and reflects the values of the American people.Our relationship with China will be competitive when it should be,collaborative when it can be,and adversarial when it must be.The common denominator is the need to engage China from a position of strength.