关于”要爱自己“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Love yourself。以下是关于要爱自己的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Love yourself
I want to learn to love ourselves. We should learn to stick to our life. No matter how hard life is, we should learn to love others.
This is a story about a black girl named treasure. She is fat and not beautiful. Her bad tempered mother never works, always deceives others to help her out, eats snacks while watching TV.
Movies also teach us to love others. If treasure has a good family and some friends, he may leave us. Although our world has developed, she may not despair because of it.
There are many people who can make them better by their unfortunate charity and help, so we should not lack our love.
2:爱你自己,Those days of childhood, when you came to this world, she held you in her arms, you thank her, when you are old, she feeds you with your tears and bathes you; you thank her, when you are old, she cries all night, she teaches you to walk; you thank her, wh
en she leaves, she runs away, you call you when you are old, she makes all your meals with love Thank you for throwing dishes on the floor when you were old. She gave you some crayons. You colored the dining room table to thank her for dressing you for the holidays when you were old.
You thank her for the latest pile of mud that came plodding in. When you were old, she sent you to school. Your reward was screaming, I'm not going.
When you were, she bought you a baseball, and you thank her for throwing it into the next door neighbor's house When you were old, she handed you an ice cream, but you thank her with dripping water. When you were old, your legs were full of piano lessons she gave you. You thank her.
When you were old, you didn't even bother to practice. She drove you from football to gymnastics all day, and attended one birthday party after another. The way you thank her is to jump out of the car and never look back when you're old.
You take you and your friends to the movies. You thank her for asking you to sit in a different row when you were two years old. She warned you not to watch certain TV shows.
Yoewarded her by waiting until she left home when you were a ager, and she suggested a haircut that suited you to thank her for telling her that she had no taste Weii, she didn't taste it when you were here. She stayed at summer camp for a month, but you forgot to write a letter. She came home from work to find a hug.
Thank her for locking the bedroom door when you were a child. She taught you to drive. You thank her.
When you were waiting for an important call, you took every opportunity to thank her. When you were crying at your high school graduation ceremony, you were on the phone all night, And yoepay her by having a party outside until dawn.
3:要爱自己,When you get older and older, she pays college tuition and drives you to campus with your bag. You thank her for saying goodbye outside the dorm so you don't feel embarred in front of your friends. When you are asked if you're dating someone else, you thank her for saying it's not yours.
When you were a child, she suggested some careers for you. Your reward is that I don't want to be like you When you graduated from college, she hugged you. You thank her for asking if she could pay for your trip to Europe.
She gave you the furniture for your first apartment. The way to thank her is to tell your friends that you were ugly when you were a child. She met your fiance and asked about your plans for the future.
You thank her with glaring and growling. When you were helped to pay for your wedding, s
he cried and told you how deep she was Love you, you thank her for walking half way. When you were in the country, she called you with some advice about children.
You thank her for telling her that things are different. When you get a call, she reminds you of a relative's birthday. You tell her that you are busy now and she needs you to take care of her.
Although you may have different views with her, once there are only good memories in the past, you will leave regrets. Don't take it for granted that the things closest to you love her more than you love her. Without her, your life is meaningless.