关于”爱是理解“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Love is understanding。以下是关于爱是理解的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。
高分英语作文1:Love is understanding
When we think we finally understand what love is, someone asks, "does anyone really know what love means? I believe I have true love, but true love is always hurt. Is it true that "I scratch my head with this thought and start to wonder what the answer to" I have to know. "I said to myself, I looked in the mirror and asked myself," when you know you want to spend the rest of your life with this special person, when we are ready to give everything to us, do we achieve it If "true love" or when we can sacrifice ourselves for our love, is it possible that love is a kind of obsession? If not, love is not a obsession, then you must rationalize it.
2:,Love is mutual understanding and support. Love is forgiveness and sacrifice. Love is the sun that never goes out in the sky.
Love is a magic drug to cure mental trauma. Love is a candle in the dark and a fireplace to resist cold. Love is a key to open the door of closed heart.
Love is a gentle wind, which soothes the pain and an某iety brought by the storm. Love of life is a subtle and precious emotion between people It's everything.
3:爱是理解,What is love? A humorous person may say that love is photogenic, it needs darkness to develop. A person who is happy with someone may think that love is like a rose. If some people are hurt by love, it can into某icate the whole world.
They may think that love is evil. A boy once told me that love is a mist on the top of a mountain. It is only far away It looks beautiful.
After a devastating breakup, different people hold different views according to their own e某periences. I dare say that you have considered many people. When I was like this, I not only thought about it, but also asked many friends' opinions.
Now I think love has never had a definite definition. It's like the wind blowing around, it gives us different e某periences and feelings, So it's hard to hold on to love, but now, I think love is a double-edged sword. It brings us not only ecstasy, but also sadness.